What Does Inquiry in Social Studies Look Like?
by Erin Lymburner
1. Emersion stage
1.1. To "hook" kids into a topic.
1.2. Teachers "sell" the topic to the kids
2. Current Events
2.1. Researching current events
2.2. Gathering persepctives
2.3. Researching perspectives
3. Audience outside of the school
3.1. Projects that focus on events in the community
3.2. Projects that help kids make connections to their communities
3.3. Kids making a difference and having a voice in their communitiies
4. Passionate Teachers
4.1. Pursuing inquiry themselves
4.2. What are you passionate about?
4.3. What tasks are students doing? Would you want to do them?
4.4. Kids are producing sophisticated work that is worth doing
5. Behaving in the Discplines
5.1. Acting like .. a journalist, a historian, a scientist, etc.
6. Benchmarks in Historical Thinking
6.1. Significance, use of primary sources, change, historical perspectives, ethics
7. Foundations of Inquiry
7.1. Authenticity and Academic Rigour
8. Academic Rigour
8.1. Students working in ways that mirror discplines
8.2. Habits of thinking - dispositions we want to develop in students
9. Authenticity
9.1. Real world connections
9.2. Wrestling with issues and controversies
10. Being globally minded
10.1. Having multiple perspectives
11. Explore and Research
11.1. Students ask questions and make inquiries
12. Inquiry Rubric
12.1. Authenticity
12.2. Academic Rigour
12.3. Assessment
12.4. Life Skills
12.5. Appropriate Use of Technology
12.6. Active Exploration
12.7. Connecting with Experts
12.8. Elaborated communication
12.9. Compassion