Validity and Reliablity of Assessment Tests

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Validity and Reliablity of Assessment Tests by Mind Map: Validity and Reliablity of Assessment Tests

1. Reliability

2. Methods of Estimating Reliability

2.1. Test-retest Estimates

2.1.1. This method requires administration of the same test twice over a pre-determined time interval to the same group of test-takers.

2.2. Alternate-form Estimates

2.2.1. This method requires administration of two equivalent versions of a test to the same group of test-takers over a short time-interval and correlating the scores.

2.3. Internal Consistency Estimates

2.3.1. These estimates of reliability fall into two general categories: Split-half and Odd-even Estimates These estimates involve dividing a test into halves and correlating them with one another. Kuder-Richardson Method Kuder-Richardson methods are used to determine how much the entire test can consistently mearsure a concept.

3. Interpreting Reliability Coefficients

3.1. Group Variability

3.2. Scoring Reliability

3.3. Test Length

3.4. Item Difficulty

4. Types of Validity Evidence

4.1. Construct Validity Evidence

4.2. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

4.2.1. Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

4.2.2. Predictive Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

4.3. Content Validity Evidence

5. Evidence of Validity

6. Interpreting Validity Evidence