Fashion And Accsesories

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Fashion And Accsesories by Mind Map: Fashion And Accsesories

1. Make-Up

1.1. Lip Stick/Gloss

1.2. Mascera

1.3. Eyeliner

1.4. EyeShadow

1.5. Blush

1.6. Eyebrow Liner

2. Hair

2.1. Bow

2.2. Clips

2.3. Feathers

3. Clothes

3.1. Shirts

3.1.1. Tangtop

3.1.2. T-Shirt

3.2. Pants

3.2.1. Skinny Jeans

3.2.2. Tights

4. Shoes

4.1. High Heals

4.2. Flats

4.3. Boots