Languague Curriculum Design

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Languague Curriculum Design by Mind Map: Languague Curriculum Design

1. Discovering needs

1.1. The needs are evaluated by general criteria

1.1.1. Evaluate test Reability validity Practicality

2. Following Principles

2.1. Frecuency,Strategies and autonomy,Language system,Keep moving forward,Interference,Motivation,Fluency. ETC.

3. Goals

3.1. Encourage students to communicate in different situations.

3.2. Contribute to the students´ persinal, social,and educational development.

3.2.1. Having a clear statement of goals is important for determining the content of the course.

3.3. Students continue to develop speaking, listening skills.

4. Finding a Format and Presenting Material

4.1. The material in a course needs to be presented in a form that will help.

4.2. Some lessons might consist of an unpredictable series of activities.

4.3. The lessons format needs to to be checked againts the enviroment analysis.

5. Evaluating Course

5.1. Attracts a lot of students.

5.2. Satisfies the lerarners

5.3. results in a lot of learnig

5.4. flollows a ccepted principles of curriculum design.

6. Parts of the Curriculum Design Process

6.1. Enviroment analysis, needs analysis and aplication of proncipals.

7. Consider the enviroment

7.1. Factors that have the strongest effect.

7.1.1. The small amount of time avialable for the course.

7.1.2. The large size of the class.

7.1.3. The wide range of proficiency in the class.

7.1.4. The learners use of the first language in the classroom.

7.1.5. The need for the learners to be more autonomous.

8. Content and Sequencing

8.1. Language Items, Ideas,Skills and Strategies.

8.1.1. One way to provide well- research basis for a course is to make use of frequency lists and toher lists of language items. Frecuency Based vocabulary lists. Frequency lists of verb forms and verb groups. List of funtions and topics List of subskills List of task,topics and themes

9. Monitoring and Assessing

9.1. Involve the use of test

9.1.1. Profiency test.

9.1.2. Short- Term achievement test.

9.1.3. Larger achievement test.