Rosnah Mohd Zain. Director, Oral Cancer Research and Coordinating Centre, UM

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Rosnah Mohd Zain. Director, Oral Cancer Research and Coordinating Centre, UM by Mind Map: Rosnah Mohd Zain.  Director, Oral Cancer Research and Coordinating Centre, UM

1. My Citation

1.1. Microsoft Academic Research

1.2. Google Scholar

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2.1. Researcher ID

2.2. UMexpert

2.3. OCRCC

2.4. Faculty of Dentistry, UM

3. Finding My Papers

3.1. OpenDepot

3.2. UMeprints


3.4. CiteULike

3.5. Publication List

3.6. BePress

3.7. Scribd

4. Interesting Paper

4.1. Inherent differential propensity of dental pulp stem cells derived from human deciduous and permanent teeth.(WoS No:000281657100013)

4.2. Association between cigarette-smoking and prevalence of oral mucosal lesions among Malaysian army personnel (WoS No: A1989AA90900010)

4.3. MDM2 SNP309 does not confer an increased risk to oral squamous cell carcinoma but may modulate the age of disease onset (WoS No:000266271100011)