Natural Phenomenon or Survival Mechanisms in Nature

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Natural Phenomenon or Survival Mechanisms in Nature by Mind Map: Natural Phenomenon or Survival Mechanisms in Nature

1. Shield Defence

1.1. Animals like turtles, crabs or tortoises have a hard shell like shield that will protect them from hard weather.

2. Detaching Body Parts

2.1. Drop tail lizards have a unique survival mechanism that allows them to drop their tail when feeling endangered. While the predator is distracted by the continuous moving tail, the lizard can get away. It does not hurt the lizard at all and the tail will eventually grow back.

2.2. If you cut a worm in half, it will still move and not long after, a new tail will grow in the place.

2.3. A starfish that loses its arms can easily grow new ones. Sometimes, a whole animal can grow from a single detached arm!

2.4. If a shark loses an "adult tooth" it will still grow back in it's place, over and over again! A shark can grow to 24,000 teeth in a lifetime!

3. Size

3.1. Sometimes the size of the animal will just be enough to scare away the enemy.

3.2. Puffer fish inflate their body to scare away predators. They also have spines on their body to add to the defense.

3.3. Bears will sometimes stand on their hind legs to make them seem taller than they are to make them more intimidating.

4. Spikes- Spines and Thorns

4.1. Animals like echidnas, porcupines or hedgehogs have protective spines on their back to warn predators to stay away.

4.2. Flowers like roses also develop thorns that give a danger message to predators.

5. Camouflage

5.1. Many animals use camouflage as a survival mechanism. Such as lizards, seahorses, frogs, flounders, cuttlefish and squid.