Understanding the ISTE Standards for Students

Understanding the ISTE Standards for Students

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Understanding the ISTE Standards for Students by Mind Map: Understanding the ISTE Standards for Students

1. Innovative Designer

1.1. The student will use a deliberative, step-by-step process to consider and implement their designs

1.2. While correctly using digital tools

1.3. Students will take part in the design cycle of developing, testing, and refining prototypical models

1.4. Having the ability to complex problem-solving

2. Computational Thinker

2.1. Students learn how to accurately describe problems

2.2. They should be able to use the edtech tools to break down, analyze, and solve problems

2.3. This ISTE Standard helps students problem solve using technology to assist them in the prcess

3. Creative Communicator

3.1. Students will learn the essential skill of communicating their ideas

3.2. While using a variety of edtech tools to meet their personal learning goals

3.3. This ISTE standard covers everything from helping students communicate ideas to helping them publish complex digital remixes for a target audience

4. Global Collaboration

4.1. Students will use edtech to think deeper about the big picture

4.2. While expanding their cultural horizons

4.3. Students will learn how to work well with others, both in a classroom and around the world

5. Video

6. Benefits of ISTE

6.1. ISTE tries to transform teaching and learning

6.2. ISTE uses technology and adheres to standards

6.3. ISTE is important because it helps to ensure student learning

6.4. As a trend, ISTE that is accelerating

6.5. ISTE is centered around the student to empower their voice and ensure the student has control of their own education

7. Empowered Leader

7.1. Based on helping a student to find meaning and motivation through their work

7.2. Prepares students to be capable, confident, and prepared

7.3. It prepares students for future roles as a leader

8. Digital Citizen

8.1. Students act in a professional, ethical, and safe manner

8.2. This ISTE Standards requires students to think about the way they operate in society

8.2.1. They should be caretakers of their permanent online reputations

8.2.2. Make positive behavior choices

8.2.3. Respect intellectual property rights

8.2.4. Always be safe online

8.2.5. Keep their personal data secure

9. Knowledge Constructer

9.1. Students should have the ability to build accurate, credible, and reliable knowledge

9.2. Be sure to make good decisions as citizens, family members, workers, and consumers

9.2.1. Lessons are student-led, with the teacher only as a facilitator

9.3. Students should positively benefit society as a whole

9.4. This ISTE standards encourages students to build research skills

9.4.1. Including being critical of the sources of information they look at

9.4.2. drawing conclusions that will build an accurate base of knowledge for further research

9.5. Prepares students to create curated collections that represent the forging of connections

10. Ultimate Goal

10.1. The point of ISTE is to encourage students to have a voice, a choice, and feel empowered

10.2. Pushing students to achieve their educational goals, while enhancing it with the use of technology

10.3. ISTE Standards end goal is to help teachers stay focused on the outcomes of the students and their educational goals