Guided Reading: Romance and Reality by Breanna Massey

Ed 3508 Mind Map

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Guided Reading: Romance and Reality by Breanna Massey by Mind Map: Guided Reading: Romance and Reality by Breanna Massey

1. Romance

1.1. Providing differentiated instruction

1.2. Using Leveled Books

1.3. Frequent benchmark assessments, with running records to determine reading levels

1.4. Using a ladder to select books

1.5. Ensure students are decoding, comprehending, and fluent

1.6. Large comprehensive libraries

1.7. Keeping accurate of student improvement from year to year

1.8. Students can take different paths to similar outcomes

2. Ideal Guided Reading

2.1. Small gorups

2.2. Leveled books

2.3. Guidance from a teacher

2.4. Actively engaged

2.5. Achievable and at increasing levels of difficulty

2.6. Creates high quality literacy education

3. Network of processing systems for reading

3.1. Thinking within the text

3.1.1. solve words

3.1.2. monitor and correct

3.1.3. search for and use information

3.1.4. summarize

3.1.5. maintain fluency

3.1.6. adjust

3.2. Thinking about the text

3.2.1. critique

3.2.2. analyze

3.3. Thinking beyond the text

3.3.1. predict

3.3.2. make connections

3.3.3. synthesize

3.3.4. infer

4. Reality

4.1. Continuous professional learning is needed to ensure that this approach is powerful

4.2. Strive for students to learn more every day

4.3. Teachers need to focus on text comprehension, rather than simply reading the words and not taking in information

4.3.1. Some teachers are still content with accuracy

4.3.2. It can lead to students being pushed up the ladder without evidence of competency

4.4. Guided reading is not the whole literacy program

4.5. Goal is to help students build their reading power

4.6. There is no ideal speed

4.7. Reading is language and language is thinking

4.8. There is no better way to expand language development than to engage them in conversation

4.9. Good assessment is the foundation for effective teaching

4.10. Literacy groups should be dynamic and changing based on developing abilities