Genevieve is a Grade 8 student with CAPD, memory deficit, a learning disability (communication) a...

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Genevieve is a Grade 8 student with CAPD, memory deficit, a learning disability (communication) and AD/HD (inattentive subtype). Genevieve is cognizant of her communicational and intellectual disabilities. Home and school have been highly cooperative to facilitate a smooth transition into secondary school. Technology as an accommodation has played a big part in her educational success. In sum, Genevieve is self-motivated & socially aware and is attempting to have both academic success and personal well-being through "fitting in" in school. (pg.150,151, Bennett et al) by Mind Map: Genevieve is a Grade 8 student with CAPD, memory deficit, a learning disability (communication) and AD/HD (inattentive subtype). Genevieve is cognizant of her communicational and intellectual disabilities. Home and school have been highly cooperative to facilitate a smooth transition into secondary school. Technology as an accommodation has played a big part in her educational success. In sum, Genevieve is self-motivated & socially aware and is attempting to have both academic success and personal well-being through "fitting in" in school.   (pg.150,151, Bennett et al)

1. Teacher (Elizabeth)

1.1. Perspective/Significance

1.2. Feelings

1.3. Response/Behaviour

1.4. Strategies and Approaches/Plan of Action

2. Parent (Marcus)

2.1. Perspective

2.2. Significance/Feelings/Responses

2.3. Strategies/Approaches

3. Student (Steve)

3.1. Significance

3.2. Feelings

3.3. Strategies/Approaches

3.4. Perspective

4. Principal (Winona)

4.1. Perspective:

4.2. Feelings

4.3. Responses

4.4. Behaviours

4.5. Action Plan