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Books by Mind Map: Books

1. Fantasy

1.1. Dead house Gates

1.2. House of Chains

1.2.1. House of Chains

1.2.2. Task 2

1.3. The Bonehunters

1.3.1. Call 1

1.3.2. Call 2

1.4. Reapers Gale

1.4.1. Meeting 1

1.4.2. Meeting 2

2. Nonfiction

2.1. A Nation Of Smoochers

2.2. A Universe From Nothing

2.2.1. Task 1

2.2.2. Task 2

2.3. The Shocked Doctrine

2.3.1. Call 1

2.3.2. Call 2

2.4. Stragic Vision

2.4.1. Meeting 1

2.4.2. Meeting 2

3. Fiction

3.1. Before I Go to Sleep ( A novel )

3.2. Sister

3.2.1. Task 1

3.2.2. Task 2

3.3. Room

3.3.1. Call 1

3.3.2. Call 2

3.4. Shutter Island

3.4.1. Meeting 1

3.4.2. Meeting 2

4. Mystery

4.1. The Penny Pinchers Club ( a novel )

4.2. The Cinderrela Pact

4.2.1. Task 1

4.2.2. Task 2

4.3. The Sleeping Buety Proposal

4.3.1. Call 1

4.3.2. Call 2

4.4. The Big Bow Mystery

4.4.1. Meeting 1

4.4.2. Meeting 2