Business & Leadership ethics

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Business & Leadership ethics by Mind Map: Business & Leadership ethics

1. What are the Normative Theories in connection to Business & Leadership ethics?

1.1. Try to explain what ethics is and when an act is ethical

1.2. Examples of theories

1.2.1. Kantianism

1.2.2. Utilitarianism

1.2.3. Feminist theories

1.2.4. Virtue ethics

1.2.5. ISCT

1.2.6. Pragmatism

1.2.7. Ethics absolutism / relativism

1.2.8. Ethical egoism

1.2.9. Environment ethics

2. What are the Business Disciplines in connection to Business & Leadership ethics?

2.1. Main disciplines

2.1.1. Marketing

2.1.2. Management

2.1.3. Finance

2.1.4. Accounting

2.1.5. Operations

2.2. Ethics is a ‘value’ which has to be present throughout the whole company and not only on management level.

3. What are the Issues in connection to Business & Leadership ethics?

3.1. Environmental responsibility

3.2. Employee rights

3.3. International Business Ethics

3.4. Religion

3.5. Social Responsibility

4. How do the stakeholders connect to Business & Leadership ethics?

4.1. A stakeholder is any person, organization, social group, or society at large that has a stake in the business.

4.2. Build stronger relationships with its stakeholders

4.2.1. Competitive advantage and/or long-term success.

5. What is Business ethics?

5.1. Study of business situations, activities and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed.

5.2. Responsibility

5.2.1. Corporate responsibility

5.2.2. Corporate citizenship

5.2.3. Environmental responsibility

5.2.4. Corporate social responsibility

5.2.5. Stakeholder responsibility

5.2.6. Sustainable responsibility

5.3. Why study it?

5.3.1. Competitive advantage

5.3.2. Stakeholder requirements

5.3.3. Social pressure

5.3.4. Understanding consequences of malpractice

5.3.5. Doing good by being good

6. What is Leadership ethics?

6.1. Leadership

6.1.1. Social Influence

6.1.2. Common goal

6.2. Responsibility

6.2.1. Power

6.2.2. Influence

6.2.3. Privilige

6.3. Long term succes and/or competitive advantage

6.4. 3 Main questions

6.4.1. What is the right thing to do?

6.4.2. Why is it the right thing to do?

6.4.3. How is it the right thing to do?