Spiritual Contributors 2021

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Spiritual Contributors 2021 by Mind Map: Spiritual Contributors 2021


1.1. Matt 5:14-16

1.2. Acts 4:33-34

2. Series



3.2. Romans 12:7–8 (NLT) 7 If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. 8 If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

3.2.1. Serving

3.2.2. Teaching,

3.2.3. Encouragement

3.2.4. Giving

3.2.5. Lead

3.2.6. Kindness

3.2.7. Prophecy

4. Rate yourself

4.1. 1-10

4.2. How does last year compare to this year.

5. Jesus and We

5.1. We are spiritual contributors, not spiritual consumers. The Church does not exist for us. We are the Church and we exist for the world.

6. How can we be a light in 2021

6.1. Be and Empty Cup

6.1.1. 2 Kings 4:1 (NLT) 1 One day the widow of a member of the group of prophets came to Elisha and cried out, “My husband who served you is dead, and you know how he feared the LORD. But now a creditor has come, threatening to take my two sons as slaves.”

6.1.2. 2 Kings 4:2 (NLT) 2 “What can I do to help you?” Elisha asked. “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” “Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil,” she replied.

6.1.3. 2 Kings 4:3 (NLT) 3 And Elisha said, “Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors.

6.1.4. 2 Kings 4:4 (NLT) 4 Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you. Pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting each one aside when it is filled.”

6.1.5. 2 Kings 4:5 (NLT) 5 So she did as she was told. Her sons kept bringing jars to her, and she filled one after another.

6.1.6. 2 Kings 4:6 (NLT) 6 Soon every container was full to the brim! “Bring me another jar,” she said to one of her sons. “There aren’t any more!” he told her. And then the olive oil stopped flowing.

6.2. What if you as and act of worship

6.2.1. Contacted 3 people a week

6.2.2. Came any 9 to Prayer

6.2.3. 9:30 team meeing

6.2.4. 15 minutes set up

6.2.5. Chat and love anyone who came in the door Until 10

7. The Series

7.1. Faith-Filled, Big-Thinking

7.2. Irrationally Generous

7.3. Anything Short of Sin

7.4. Today - Spiritual Contributor

8. QR- Spiritual Contributors

9. Consume

9.1. Jesus was not concerned with consuming he was concerned with contributing

9.1.1. The disciple concerned about consumption

9.2. contribute

9.2.1. When he contributed into the lives of others that actually nourished him in a way that is beyond our ability to understand.

9.3. Selfish by nature

9.3.1. That nature goes against our human nature the core of who we are

9.3.2. Reality in our World Today People say, well we're just good people That simply is not true We actually sinful people We by nature are If you don't believe me just ask yourself do you ever have to teach a child to be selfish? Never right? The things that bug me show just how selfish I am.

10. We become a consumer minded society

10.1. It's all about what i want

10.2. It's all about me

10.3. Have it my way

10.4. That consumer mindset has bled over to the local Church

10.4.1. "I'm just Church shopping"

10.4.2. "I just can't find a church is right for us"

10.4.3. "We can't find a church that meets our needs"

10.4.4. "I did not get anything out of that Sermon"

11. Message Video