Irrationally Generous 2021

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Irrationally Generous 2021 by Mind Map: Irrationally Generous 2021

1. Series

2. Tithing

2.1. Against Tithing

2.2. Malaci 3:10

2.3. Matthew 23:23

2.4. So why is it so hard?

2.4.1. Matthew 6:20-21

2.4.2. There is no hiding from where your money is going.

2.4.3. "But it is not about how much I give" That is Absolutely correct!

2.4.4. Margin is what matters

2.4.5. That is why the Bible gives us a starting point of 10%.

2.5. "When I have more then I will give"

2.5.1. Statistically the more money a person has the less they give. Remember it's the margin that matters. Widows mite

2.6. Our tithing story

2.7. My advice

2.7.1. Pick a %

2.7.2. Give it first

2.7.3. Increase it as your faith and means grow

3. Giving for the Rock

3.1. What we have done

3.2. the Resources we have

3.3. Where we are going

4. Message Video

5. The Series

5.1. Faith-Filled, Big-Thinking

5.2. Spiritual Contributor

5.3. Anything Short of Sin

5.4. Today - Irrationally Generous

6. QR- Irrationally Generous

7. It is more Blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

7.1. Money Pledge

7.1.1. I will not lead where I won't go

7.1.2. I will not manipulate you to get you to give

7.1.3. I will not rob you of God's blessing by not talking about giving

7.2. Contrasted by our culture

7.2.1. Scarcity minset

7.3. In the church as well

7.3.1. "If I give more, I will have less" Simple right

8. Message Video 2021