Ethical Dilemma Andrea Velez

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Ethical Dilemma Andrea Velez by Mind Map: Ethical Dilemma Andrea Velez

1. Negative Outcomes:

1.1. 1. Get caught and suffer the worst consequences

1.2. 2. Supervisor will fire her and/or report her to AOTA

1.3. 3. Jonah could report Madison for refusing to be partners

1.4. 4. Patients and families could sue her

2. Postitive Outcomes:

2.1. 1. Won't get into trouble

2.2. 2. The punishment will be less harsh

2.3. 3. Less tempted to participate in wrongful bevhavior

2.4. 4. Patients could be forgiving to her

3. Chosen Course of Action: Confess to her supervisor

3.1. Core Values:

3.1.1. DIGNITY

3.1.2. TRUTH

3.2. Ethical Principles:

3.2.1. JUSTICE: Principle #4

3.2.2. VERACITY: Principle #5

4. Madison and Jonah

4.1. Stakeholders:

4.1.1. Mr. Pitts and other patients involved in Madison's immoral actions

4.1.2. Mr. Pitts family

4.1.3. Madison

4.1.4. Jonah

5. Possible Actions:

5.1. 1. Do nothing

5.2. 2. Confess to her supervisor

5.3. 3. Stop working with Jonah

5.4. 4. Confess to patients