Is cloning for the human race ever justifiable?

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Is cloning for the human race ever justifiable? by Mind Map: Is cloning for the human race ever justifiable?

1. Opposing argument 1:

1.1. Elaboration A

1.2. Elaboration B

1.3. Examples

1.4. Teacher's comment:

2. Opposing argument 2:

2.1. Elaboration A

2.2. Elaboration B

2.3. Examples

3. Thesis statement/stand:

4. Conclusion:

5. Supporting argument 1:

5.1. Elaboration A

5.1.1. Teacher's comment:

5.2. Elaboration B

5.3. Examples

6. Supporting argument 2:

6.1. Elaboration A

6.2. Elaboration B

6.2.1. Teacher's comment:

6.3. Examples