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Jewish culture by Mind Map: Jewish culture

1. Beliefs

1.1. No tattoos

1.2. No cremation

1.3. No mixing meat and dairy

1.4. pressure to marry Jewish

1.5. Have lots of children

1.6. Be charitable

1.7. Be part of community

1.8. Give to community

2. Ethnicity

2.1. You can identify as being Jewish just culturally and not religiously

2.2. In every part of the world

2.3. Mostly caucasian

3. Communication / Language

3.1. LOUD

3.2. Opinionated

3.3. Hebrew

3.4. Yiddish

3.5. Talk a lot

3.6. Socialize even when not acceptable to do so i.e. during a presentation or assembly

4. Israel

4.1. political issues

4.2. Jewish homeland

4.3. militant

4.4. modern

4.5. tech hub

4.6. mediterranean

5. Food

5.1. matzoh ball soup

5.2. bagels

5.3. brisket

5.4. food is everything!

5.5. Friday night dinner

6. Religion

6.1. conservative

6.2. orthodox

6.3. reform

6.4. atheist/ agnostic

6.5. Jews in diaspora are stuck in traditional ways

6.6. Most Israelis are atheists

7. Holidays

7.1. Chanukah

7.2. Purim

7.3. Passover

7.4. Rosh Hashanah

7.5. Yom Kippur

7.6. Sukkot

7.7. Big dinners

7.8. Not about religion