Features of OOPS

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Features of OOPS by Mind Map: Features of OOPS

1. Inheritance: It is a feature of OOPS by virtue of which a class may inherit characteristics(data) and behaviour(method) from another class.

1.1. Child/sub/derived class: The class which inherits characteristics and behaviour.

1.2. The class from which it inherits is called as parent/super/base class.

2. Polymorphism(Poly:many and morphism: froms) It is a feature of Oops by virtue of which a class can have many methods with same name but with different behaviour. They may respond to differently to different messages

3. Encapsulation: It is a feature of OOPS by virtue of which all the characteristics(data) and behaviour(method) can be wrapped in a single unit called class.

4. Abstraction: It is a feature of OOPS by virtue of which a class may include only the essential details(data and method) and ignore the background details.