Open Pedagogy

Three-Minute Talk for Graduate Studies

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Open Pedagogy by Mind Map: Open Pedagogy

1. 2. Inclusive Pedagogy Framework

1.1. Creativity

1.2. Limited Content

1.3. Engaged Learning

1.4. Collaboration

1.5. Advisory Team

1.6. Writing and Reading

2. 1. Create a Textbook

2.1. Weekly Reaction Papers

2.1.1. Cognitive

2.1.2. Affective

2.1.3. Conative

2.2. Annotated Bibliographies

2.3. Selected Readings around course outlines

2.3.1. Course Objectives

2.3.2. Use of Video Adobe or Youtube

2.4. Accessibility

2.4.1. Grackle

2.4.2. Adobe Pro

2.4.3. Powerpoint

2.4.4. Hybrid Approaches

3. 3. Marcia Burrell

3.1. Research

3.1.1. Gatekeeping

3.1.2. Math Education

3.2. Travel

3.2.1. Benin

3.2.2. Budapest

3.2.3. Kenya

3.3. John Kane and Rebecca Mushtare

3.3.1. MOOC on Diversity and Inclusion

3.3.2. COLT

3.4. Teaching

3.4.1. Use of Podcasts--mostly NPR

3.4.2. Foundations of Education Juniors