The Constitutional Convention of 1787: Chloe S. and Alex D.

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The Constitutional Convention of 1787: Chloe S. and Alex D. by Mind Map: The Constitutional Convention of 1787: Chloe S. and Alex D.

1. Federalism

1.1. Anti-Federalists are a group of Americans who objected to the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and opposed final ratification of the U.S.

1.2. Federalists are people who advocates or supports a system of government in which several states unite under a central authority.

2. The Bill of Rights

2.1. The first ten amendments of the constitution

2.2. Guarantee essential rights and civil liberties

3. Virginia Plan- Large States

3.1. Larger states had bicameral legislatures

3.2. recommended that states be represented based upon their population numbers, and it also called for the creation of three branches of government.

4. New Jersey Plan - Small States

4.1. Each state has to have one vote in congress

4.2. called for a unicameral legislature

5. Compromise reached between the northern and southern states of the U.S. of 1787

6. Argument about if whether or whether not slaves should be counted as citizens of the United States

7. The Articles of Confederation

7.1. First written constitution of the United States

7.2. Consisted of rules to the states and/or colonies

8. The Great Compromise

8.1. large states and small states regarding how much power states would have under the United States Constitution.

8.2. Each state had one delegate and was only allowed to vote once.

9. Three-Fifths Compromise