Education Tech Trend

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Education Tech Trend by Mind Map: Education Tech Trend

1. Security

1.1. Privacy Security

2. Open Licensing

2.1. Open Source

2.2. Open Data

2.3. Open Content

2.4. Open Resources

3. Peer to Peer

4. Gaming

5. Cloud Computing

6. Learning Style

6.1. Adaptive Learning

6.2. Personalization Learning

6.3. Ubiquitous learning

7. Mobile Phone

7.1. Mobile Learning

7.2. iPad

7.3. iPhone

7.4. Smart Phone

8. Natural User Interface

8.1. motion-sensing as with the Microsoft Kinect

8.2. the touchscreen of the iPhone

8.3. the voice-activation of Siri

9. Web Apps

9.1. HTML 5

10. Smart portfolio assessment