9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

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9 Elements of Digital Citizenship by Mind Map: 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Rights and Responsibility

1.1. Appropriate: Doing a research paper and giving credit to the person you got your information from.

1.2. Inappropriate: Not properly citing your work after doing a project.

1.3. The privileges and freedoms to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them.

2. Digital Security

2.1. The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the scurity of thier network

2.2. Appropriate: Students know how to use the internet safely

2.3. Inappropriate: Students give more personal information than they should on a website

3. Digitial Literacy

3.1. The capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it

3.2. Appropriate: Students know how to work new technology.

3.3. Inappropriate: Students are given different materials to work on something that they can't work on at home.

4. Digital Etiquette

4.1. The standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

4.2. Appropriate: Using kind words while using technology to communicate.

4.3. Inappropriate: Saying negative and hurtful things to people online (cyberbullying).

5. Digital Law

5.1. The legal rights an restrictions governing technology use

5.2. Appropriate: Students know you have to pay for what you download or they know what they are allowed to download for free.

5.3. Inappropriate: Students download copies of movies or CD's for their friends without paying for it

6. Digital Health and Wellness

6.1. The elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital techology use

6.2. Appropriate: Knowing when to get off the computer

6.3. Inappropriate: Playing video games for many hours a day

7. Digital Access

7.1. Full electronic participation in society

7.2. Appropriate: All students get to use computers in school.

7.3. Inappropriate: All projects include the use of computers when not all students have access to them.

8. Digital Commerce

8.1. The buying and selling of goods online

8.2. Appropriate: People know how to buy things online.

8.3. Inappropriate: A person buys something online but gives out too much personal information in the process.

9. Digital Communication

9.1. The electronic exchange of information

9.2. Appropriate: Not texting or e-mailing until you aren't busy.

9.3. Inappropriate: Texting or e-mailing during school or an appointment.