9 Elements of Digital Citizenship
by Nicole T.
1. Digital Law
1.1. The legal rights and restrictions governing rechnology use.
1.2. Appropriate: Downloading a movie from iTunes to watch to and not illegally sharing it.
1.3. Inappropriate: Downloading a movie from a file-sharing site like 4-shared and not paying for it, and then sharing it.
2. Digital Rights and Responsibilites
2.1. The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital tecnology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them.
2.2. Appropriate; Citing the source of a picture you used on a project.
2.3. Inappropriate: Taking a picture off an image housing site and not citing the source.
3. Digital Health and Wellness
3.1. The elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use
3.2. Appropriate: Pulling over while driving to answer a phone call.
3.3. Inappropriate: Answering a phone call while driving and getting in a car crash.
4. Digital Security
4.1. The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network
4.2. Appropriate: Setting all of you personal information to private on websites
4.3. Inappropriate: Leaving your information out for anyone at all to see on a website.
5. Digital Literacy
5.1. The capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it.
5.2. Appropriate: Taking a class like 21st Century skills to learn how to use technology
5.3. Inappropriate: Having an assignment on a website that you can't access
6. Digital Access
6.1. Def: Full electronic participation in society
6.1.1. New node