9 elements of digital citizenship
by Kelsey R
1. Digital Law
1.1. The illegal rights and restrictions governing technology use
1.2. Inappropriate: Making a copy of a movie or a game.
1.3. Appropriate: Going out to buy the movie or game instead of copying it.
2. Digital Rights and Responsibilites
2.1. The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with in
2.2. Inappropriate: Using a website to get information from and not giving it credit.
2.3. Appropriate: Giving the website credit.
3. Digital Health and Wellness
3.1. The elements of physical and phsichological well-being related to digital technology.
3.2. Inappropriate: Texting or talking on your cell phone while driving.
3.3. Appropriate: Pulling over or waiting until you reach your destination to talk on the phone or text.
4. Digital Security
4.1. The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety amd the security of their network
4.2. Inappropriate: Failing to protect your indentity on a social networking site.
4.3. Appropriate: Not giving out too much information about yourself on a social networking site and blocking your from people you don't know.
5. Digital Literacy
5.1. The standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users
5.2. Inappropriate: Students who are provided with resources that you won't be able to use out of a classroom.
5.3. Appropriate: Students who use digital technology in new ways.
6. Digital access
6.1. Full eletronic participation in society
6.2. Technology for all students within school to use.
6.3. ignoring needs of other groups or not accomodating some one who may not have access to technology
7. Digital Commerce
7.1. The buying and selling of goods online
7.2. studenta will look and understand what the want to buy and identify "safe" sites
7.3. students buying good over the internet without knowing how to keep thier personal stuff safe
8. Digital Communication
8.1. the electronic exchange of infromation
8.2. stundents using digital communications when it will not interfer with classes
8.3. Students keeping their ringers turned up while in classor during school
9. Digital Etiquette
9.1. The standards of conducting expected by other digital technology users.
9.2. Users learn the rules before interacting with technology
9.3. not checking out the rules of technolory or using technology