The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship
by Carly M.

1. Digital Access
1.1. Full electronic participation in society
1.2. Inappropriate: Not giving a student the correct tools to further their edcation
1.3. Appropriate: A student having what is needed in the 21st century to educate themelves
2. Digital Law
2.1. The legal rights and restrictions governing technology use
2.2. Inappropriate: Using Limewire to get songs for your ipod
2.3. Appropriate: Buy your songs from itunes
3. Digital Commerce
3.1. The buying and selling of goods online
3.2. Inappropriate: Buying an item from an illegal site and giving out personal information
3.3. Appropriate: Buying an item from a site this is known to be safe to use and is a general site
4. Digital Rights and Responsibility
4.1. The privilages and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them
4.2. Inappropriate: Not citing a source you used for a paper
4.3. Appropriate: Having a works cited page on a research paper
5. Digital Health and Wellness
5.1. The elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology
5.2. Inappropriate: Playing video games all day and not socializing with any real people
5.2.1. New node