How to process datarocess of Data Collection

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How to process datarocess of Data Collection by Mind Map: How to process datarocess of Data Collection

1. 3. Collection

1.1. Add

1.2. Create frame and select sample

1.3. Set up collection

1.4. Run collection

1.5. Finalize collection

2. 4. Process

2.1. Integrate data

2.2. Code

2.3. Data validation

2.4. Finalise data files

3. 5. Analyse

3.1. Prepare draft output

3.2. Validate output

3.3. Interpret and explain output

4. 6. Evaluate

4.1. Gather evaluation inputs

4.2. Conduct evaluation

5. 1. Need analysis

5.1. Write a script

5.2. Determine purpose of collecting data

5.3. Identify possible solution

5.4. Confirms, in more detail, the statistical needs of the stakeholders

5.5. Prepare business case

6. 2. Built

6.1. Design output

6.2. Design collection

6.3. Design frame and sample

6.4. Design processing and analysis

7. Disseminate

7.1. Update output systems

7.2. Produce dissermination product

7.3. Manage user support