9 elements of digital citizen ship

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9 elements of digital citizen ship by Mind Map: 9 elements of digital citizen ship

1. digital access

1.1. full electronic participation in society

1.2. available internet access for school use

1.3. posting false statements over the internet

2. digital commerce

2.1. the buying and selling of goods online

2.2. purchasing gifts for your children or grand children

2.3. just typing in any bank account number that isnt yours

3. Digital Health and Wellness

3.1. The elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use.

3.2. That users learn about health and wellness as it relates to technology.

3.3. possibile harmful physical effects are ignored.

4. Digital Security

4.1. The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network.

4.2. Users are aware of the dangers of providing information to anyone over the internet.

4.3. If users fail to protect their identity, or fail to maintain current software updates or protect their computers from viruses and exploitation.

5. Digital Law

5.1. The legal rights and restrictions governing technology use.

5.2. that you do understand what can be downloaded for free and what is considered copyright.

5.3. if you are downloading copyright music from file sharing sites.

6. digital communication

6.1. the standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

6.2. a cellphone is a communication device used inside and outside the class room.

6.3. students texting while the teacher is up front giving instructions on what the class is focused on for that specific day.

7. digital etiquette

7.1. the standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

7.2. learning how to used and create resources online

7.3. communicating with out using an internet resource

8. Digital Rights and Responibilities

8.1. The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behaioral expectations that come with in them.

8.2. Users cite website or other digital media sources when using information for class projects.

8.3. Users do not properly cite sources from the internet.

9. New node

10. Digital Literacy

10.1. The capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it.

10.2. Users use digital technologies in new ways.

10.3. Users are provided with resources and materials that they cannot access anway from the classroom