by umit gencer
1. Experimenting Module
1.1. (linkage with Experiment page)
2. Gantt Schedule Report
2.1. Review and Evaluate Support
3. Budget Report
4. eMTEP 2.4 version upload (NCSA Security testing)
5. Budget Module
5.1. (requested/allocated/actual budget codes)
6. Reports
6.1. Calendar Report
6.2. Export to ePRIME Report
6.2.1. Exercise Planning Module Event Details Event Milestones Toggle Event Timeline
7. Dropdown menus need to display alphabetically and no more duplicates.
8. Need calendar row (month, year, and title) to be displayed while scrolling down.
8.1. Need change notification system (Making changes to an event should be notified to other related users).
9. Need “Duplicate Event” button in all modules.
10. Help Feature
11. Need visual indicator when the system is locked.
12. Need flexible locking feature (Locking MTEP but not CTSPOW module etc.)
13. Need multi-select filters for all features. (Such as "Calendar page" should have multiple organization selection filters; Search feature should have 'organization', 'exercise type' or 'year' filters).
14. CTS POW Module
15. Stakeholders
15.2. JFCs
15.3. CCs
15.4. Nations
16. Capabilities
16.1. Calander page (12 months display of all HQs)
16.2. Partners (with eMTEP -NUPAN)
16.3. Search (key word search)
16.4. Forum
16.4.1. Request Exercise Support
16.5. Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 (Non-NATO activities) Reports
16.6. Library
17. Limitations
17.1. Modernized User Interface
17.1.1. Need easy print options for all features. Pending users Priotization of CTS POW events should be done through drag and drop feature rather than scrolling up and down through the events.
17.1.2. Deleting event from MTEP Planning module should also be deleted from CTSPOW module.
17.2. Need linkage between any other web page.
17.3. Tabbed User Management Interface (Administrative)
17.3.1. Active users
17.3.2. Inactive users
17.3.3. Password/account management procedures
17.3.4. Need smooth transitions between interfaces (Ability to stay in calander year when looking at specisic exercise then return to calander page).