Types of Validity and Reliability

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Types of Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Types of Validity and Reliability

1. Criterion-related Validity

1.1. Concurrent Criterion-related Validity

1.1.1. Determined by correlating test scores with a criterion measure collected at the same time.

1.2. Predictive Criterion-related Validity

1.2.1. Determined by correlating test scores with a criterion measure collected after a period of time has passed.

2. Content Validity

2.1. Assessed by systematically comparing a test item with instructional objectives to see if they match. Does not yield numerical estimate of validity.

3. Construct Validity

3.1. Determined by finding whether test results correspond with scores on other variables as predicted by a theory or rationale.

4. Types of Validity

5. Kuder-Richardson

5.1. Determine the extent to which the entire test represents a single, fairly consistent measure of a concept.

6. Internal Consistency

7. Test-Retest

8. Alternative Form

9. Administering two alternate or equivalent forms of a test to the same group and correlating their scores.

10. Administer same test twice to the same group of individuals, with a small time interval between testing, and correlating the scores.

11. Methods of Reliability

12. Split-half

12.1. Divides a test into halves and correlates the halves with one another; the obtained correlations underestimate the reliability of the whole test.