Trinity Episcopal Church Website

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Trinity Episcopal Church Website by Mind Map: Trinity Episcopal Church Website

1. Ministries

1.1. Children

1.1.1. Nursery Nursery director

1.1.2. Sunday/Wednesday class schedule Children's Coordinator

1.2. Martha's Kitchen

1.3. DOK

1.3.1. Leadership

1.3.2. link to FB

1.4. MOT

1.4.1. Link to FB

1.5. Christian Formation

1.5.1. class schedule

1.5.2. teacher profiles

1.6. Prayer Shawl

1.7. Altar Guild

1.8. CHOIR

2. Trinity Episcopal School

3. Join Us

3.1. Service Schedule

3.1.1. Archived Sermons

3.2. Facebook Link

4. Featured on front/ Splashpage elements

4.1. Video or scrolling banner of pictures featuring Prayers, Special Events, Upcoming Observances, etc...all things grabbag

4.2. Service Schedule

4.3. Upcoming Events

4.4. Facebook Link

4.5. listen to most recent sermon

4.6. Contact Information

4.6.1. Fr. Himes

4.6.2. Office

4.6.3. Altar Guild

4.6.4. DOK

4.6.5. Boy Scouts

4.6.6. Jr DOK


5.1. Youth

5.1.1. Leadership

5.1.2. link to FB

5.2. JrDOK

5.2.1. Leadership

5.2.2. link to FB

5.3. Boy Scouts

5.3.1. Leadership

5.3.2. link to FB

6. Calendar

6.1. Altar Guild

6.2. DOK

6.3. MOT

6.4. Jr DOK

6.5. Youth

6.6. Boy Scouts

7. Give Online

7.1. Volunteer

7.2. Add me to the list!

7.3. Pledge

7.3.1. By Project About PayPal

7.3.2. General Fund

7.4. Flower Sign Up?

8. Who We Are

8.1. Fr. John Profile w/pic

8.2. Vestry

8.3. office staff

8.4. about Marshall

8.5. church history

8.6. beliefs and core values

9. Tripod