Seeing the big picture Report

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Seeing the big picture Report by Mind Map: Seeing the big picture Report

1. started by

1.1. clarifying

1.1.1. objective

1.1.2. scope

2. questions

2.1. how effective

2.1.1. existing polices

2.2. how to improve

2.2.1. promote healthy development

3. advisor

3.1. producing a report

4. Immediate task

4.1. compile

4.1.1. recognized bigger picture Main Objective

5. First action

5.1. researching

5.2. gathered

5.2.1. information

5.2.2. statistcts

6. Anlaysed & Explored

7. teams knowledge & focus groups

8. visited & spoke to

9. worked with colleagues

9.1. with the commision

9.2. from across the government

9.2.1. as full a picture

10. well received

10.1. let to me being

10.1.1. present

11. Ultimatly

11.1. incorporated into strategy

11.1.1. great learing exprience greater reach impact on other areas