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Nutrition by Mind Map: Nutrition

1. Impaired elimination

1.1. Outcome:

1.1.1. Intervention Evaluation: A: Patient's output was within a good range in comparison to her input. B: Patient developed frequent diarrhea. C: Patient had minimal urine output which resulted in a bladder scan and an order for education of self catheterization A: Watched her I/Os B: Patient was given two sennosides C: Patient was given flomax.

1.1.2. A: Patient will have correlating output with her fluids.

1.1.3. B: Patient reports having normal toileting by discharge.

1.1.4. C: Patient will eliminate 200 mL or more urine by 4 hours after the administration of Flomax.

2. Risk for Electrolyte Imbalance

2.1. Outcome:

2.1.1. Intervention Evaluation: A: Patients labs remained within normal range for pre-op. B: Patient developed diarrhea. C: Trends showed that his sodium levels were gradually increasing A: Making sure her TPN and IV fluids are correct and are running appropriately. B: Patient was reporting constipation. We administered a 2 sennosides. C: Monitoring labs. Adding electrolyte replenishment (Gatorade) with every meal

2.1.2. A: Patients labs will be within range before surgery on 11/21.

2.1.3. B: Patient will toilet normally by the end of the shift

2.1.4. C: Patient will maintain sodium levels during hospitalization

3. Risk for dehydration

3.1. Outcome

3.1.1. Intervention: Evaluation: A: Patient tolerated constant running fluids and did not show signs of dehydration B: Patient consumed all of her fluids provided to her. C: With required Gatorade consumption with meals, it decreased his risk. A: Patientt has running fluids B: Carb counting related to type two diabetes with I/O C: Strict I/O

3.1.2. A: Patient will continue to have adequate intake despite being NPO

3.1.3. B: Patient will drink all fluids provided to her by the end of the day

3.1.4. C: Patient will have adequate fluid intake daily.

4. Patient A: She had a mass removed on 10/23. Readmitted with nausea and vomiting related to a newly found gastric obstruction. Now presenting with plural effusion, aspiration pneumonitis, and cholecystitis. Going to have a cholecystectomy on 11/22

5. Patient B: Has a history of mental retardation, not exasperating COPD, schizophrenia, and type two diabetes. Admitted to do a Right wedge resection with a lymphadenectomy due to pulmonary nodules.

6. Imbalanced Nurtrition

6.1. Outcome:

6.1.1. Intervention Evaluation A: Patient showed trends of increasing weight. B: Patient did not want to seek out the healthier options with my suggestions. C: Patient seemed inattentive with the education due to the severity of his headache related to the hemorrhage. A: Administered TPN to maintain nutrition due to NPO status B: I helped the patient order her meal and suggested healthier decisions for her meal to help manage her type two diabetes C: Education on the importance of carb counting and the use of insulin

6.1.2. A: Patient will have balanced electrolyte and increasing weight gain by discharge.

6.1.3. B: Patient will eat a balanced meal during the rest of her hospital stay.

6.1.4. C: Patient will begin to understand an appropriate diet for someone with type 2 diabetes by discharge.

7. Knowledge Deficet

7.1. Outcome:

7.1.1. Intervention: Evaluation: A: Patient was able to accept and demonstrated understanding of B: Unable to evaluate due to not being present during discharge education C: Patients retained urine was within normal limits. Order still remained in effect if next bladder scan showed higher amounts of residual urine. A: Patient educated on reason for NPO due to GI healing B: Patient was cleared for discharge around 1100 after CT removal. Orders were put into start discharge. C: Bladder scanning to check retained urine. Orders for education on straight catheterization when discharged.

7.1.2. A: Patient will understanding the purpose of TPN and being NPO for healing by dishcarge.

7.1.3. B: Patient will understand discharge education before discharfe

7.1.4. C: Patient will understanding the importance of maintaining moderate sodium levels and its effects on the brain, and importance of excreting the appropriate amount of mL/hr of urine by discharge.

8. Patient C: Patient was working on a car when felt a severe headache with nausea and vomiting. Has a history of hypertension and type 2 diabetes. When admitted to the emergency department a subarachnoid hemorrhage was found.