Web Developer

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Web Developer by Mind Map: Web Developer

1. Skills Nêeded

1.1. Security

1.1.1. Sever & hosting security

1.1.2. The ways of Attack & Defence

1.2. Photoshop

1.3. Website Optimization

1.3.1. SEO

1.3.2. Acceleration

1.3.3. ...

1.4. ... and some great ideas too!

2. Sever side coding

2.1. Php

2.1.1. MVC (Model-View-Controllor)

2.1.2. OOP

2.1.3. Frame work: Zend

2.1.4. ...

2.2. python

3. Client side coding

3.1. Javascript

3.2. ...

3.3. HTML5 /CSS3

4. Database

4.1. MySQL