Best Practices Nurturing Intellectual Competence

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Best Practices Nurturing Intellectual Competence by Mind Map: Best Practices Nurturing Intellectual Competence

1. English Language Learners

1.1. face many barriers to learning

1.2. resources for students to become more proficient in comprehending the lessons

1.2.1. allowing the student to feel as though their emotional and social needs are being met

1.3. can help students become more aware and vocal of his/her own needs

1.4. inclusion of their culture in the lesson

1.4.1. diverse set of needs

1.5. ELL should include:

1.5.1. strategies that are interdependent of the social and emotional well-being of the student integrated lessons on their level until they become proficient in the content

1.6. Differentiating curriculum

1.6.1. Comes with lessons that could be digital

1.6.2. Read aloud to the student

1.6.3. Worksheets that are in their native language

1.6.4. Resources to help them in their communication and comprehension skills

1.7. Culturally Relevant and Sensitive Lessons

1.7.1. Incorporating multiple intelligence's into curriculum planning Should aid in creating lessons that are able to reach each student

1.7.2. Blended learning Lessons may range from digital learning to hands on learning Allowing the concept to be taught using varying multiple intelligences.

1.8. Social and Developmental Theories that would influence curricular decisions

1.8.1. SIOP Model (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) to help with obtaining skills in a certain content area Could help by having students use their cultural and linguistic experiences as conceptual resources in their own learning

2. Practices Nuturing Intellectual Competence

2.1. Best Practices for the Whole Child/Children From Poverty

2.1.1. Environment-Safe and Comfortable

2.1.2. Curriculum-Intentional

2.1.3. Community Resources-Parents and School

2.1.4. Nutritional Practices-Free-Lunch Programs

2.1.5. Academics-Literacy and Math

2.1.6. According to Klein and Knitzer (2007) An intentional curriculum provides active participation to promote social, cultural and ESL skills. Increases children in poverty early literacy and math skills that allows them to receive a fair advantage with their more advanced peers.

2.2. Diverse Learning Needs

2.2.1. Global Knowledge- Respect an empathy for student cultures and language.

2.2.2. Strategies for Differentiating Curriculum:

2.2.3. Instructional Strategies-Hands on activities and student strengths

2.2.4. Incorporating Multiple Intelligences into Curriculum Planning:

2.2.5. Multiple Intelligences-Grappling and Learning Styles

2.2.6. Note: Curriculum should allow room for grappling which allows a student to speak their truth. Also, should support the different learning styles of all students.

2.3. Social Developmental Theories that Would Influence Curricular Decisions

2.3.1. Low Social Economic Factors-Poverty, nutrition, poor healthy habits and cognitive skills

2.3.2. Note Column: When children are hungry, malnourished, unclean, this affects their ability to learn.

3. References

3.1. Echevarria, J., Richards-Tutor, C., Canges, R., & Francis, D. (2011). Using the SIOP Model to Promote the Acquisition of Language and Science Concepts with English Learners. Bilingual Research Journal, 34(3), 334–351.

3.2. Differentiation & LR Information for SAS Teachers(n.d.). Retrieved from

3.3. Farnsworth, D. G. (2019). Creating Optimal Classroom Environments in Special Education: Encouraging Multiple Intelligences. Retrieved from

3.4. Choice School Associates. (2019). 14 Easy Ways To Create The Whole Child Approach In Your Classroom. Retrieved from

3.5. Educational Psychology. (n.d.). Major theories and models of learning. Retrieved from

3.6. Lisa G. Klein and Jane Knitzer (2007)

3.7. Wiles, J.W.Bondi, J.C. Curriculum Development: A Guide to Practice [University of

3.8. Phoenix] Retrieved from https:/

4. Exceptional Learners

4.1. Best Practices for Developing the whole child

4.1.1. Ensure each student feels safe in every way at school

4.1.2. Complete and well-rounded curriculum Including attention to: Physical Education Music Art Great literature Interaction with nature

4.1.3. Offer various strategies that target individual skills, abilities and challenges Each individual is encouraged to grow academically at his/her won pace Make available a wide variety of materials and manipulatives for use by students to enhance curriculum strategies

4.1.4. Positive and proactive classroom management is used Teachers are organizing procedures, activities and furniture to support positive behavior

4.1.5. Manage disruptive behavior calmly, positive manner and seek a peaceful resolution

4.1.6. Invite parents into the classroom regularly and are welcome observers and volunteers

4.2. Diverse learning needs

4.2.1. Strategies for differentiating curriculum Assessments: Posters Can show what they have learned in a way that reflects their personal strengths Assistive Technology Computers Can help many students with special needs use technology more effectively Other Educational software programs such as talking dictionaries and talking word processing applications Provide opportunities for students to improve their spelling, reading and writing Explicit modeling Activities such as note taking, making connections among ideas, asking questions, project planning and time management may have to be taught Feedback Children with special needs often have difficulty monitoring their own progress Giving feedback will help students to reflect on their own work Graphic Organizers Organizing information is often a problem for students with special needs. Learning disabled students are often visual learners who respond well to information represented in graphic form Leveled Reading Materials Providing reading materials on a particular topic, but written at different levels will allow a student with a reading disability to learn about the same topic as the rest of the class. Modified Directions It is not uncommon for students to misunderstand the instructions for an assignment. Keep the directions clear and concise Visual component Students with reading problems find pictures and symbols easier to understand. Flashcards and pictures are useful to teach sight vocabulary, safety signs and new concepts (Differentiation & LR Information, n.d.).

4.3. Incorporating multiple intelligences into curriculum planning

4.3.1. Curricula supported by MI theory, that displaying student’s individual strengths gives incentive for them to work harder, can incorporate strategies created to empower learners.

4.3.2. These strategies foster positive areas of self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-acceptance through positive reinforcement. MI instruction uses individualized methods of instruction and curricula as much as possible by creating optimal classroom environments in special education.

4.3.3. Curriculum recognizes that a learner can be smart in more than one way and incorporates strategies in planning to accommodate MI learners. Teaching and assessing all students in the same manner should be disregarded.

4.3.4. When an instructor teaches important ideas in multiple ways, he reaches more learners effectively (Farnsworth,2019).

4.4. Social and developmental theories that would influence curricular decisions

4.4.1. Social Constructivism: assisted performance - Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1978), writing focused on how a child’s or novice’s thinking is influenced by relationships with others who are more capable, knowledgeable, or expert than the learner.

4.4.2. Vygotsky made the reasonable proposal that when a child (or novice) is learning a new skill or solving a new problem, he or she can perform better if accompanied and helped by an expert than if performing alone—though still not as well as the expert (Educational Psychology, n.d.).

5. Gifted and Talented Learners

5.1. Best practices for developing the whole child

5.1.1. Students that are gifted and talented learners may get bored Must include lessons that keep students engaged Feedback Tell the students how they are doing so that they know what needs to be worked on Assessments Test the students to see where they stand By providing assessments for the students the teacher and student will know where they stand and how to continue the lessons Interactive lessons Provide different types of engagement in the classroom Allow the students to have discussions amongst themselves in order to develop social skills Incorporate technology into the lessons to add more challenging work for them

5.2. Diverse learning needs

5.2.1. Strategies for differentiating curriculum By testing the students we will be able to know what type of curriculum to follow A more fast paced or slow paced curriculum can be put into place, or considered based on their assessments

5.2.2. Incorporating multiple intelligences into curriculum planning Allowing discussions in the classroom Incorporating technology into the lesson plans Reading out loud to see their reading comprehension Interactive games and activities

5.3. Social and developmental theories that would influence curricular decisions

5.3.1. Gifted and Talented Learners may be more self conscious Allow the students to be themselves

5.3.2. Make lessons plans around the level in which the students are learning Lets the students learn at a pace that they are comfortable with Students are more interactive in the classroom because they do not feel they are ahead or behind anyone