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Consciousness by Mind Map: Consciousness

1. What is Consciousness

1.1. Our subjective experience of the world, our bodies, and our mental perspectives

2. Self-Awareness

2.1. Emotional Intelligence makes us great social creatures

2.2. Can bargain with time (sacrifice now and have a better life later)

2.3. Consciousness causes awareness of existence and mortality

2.4. Artificial Intelligence does not know how to replicate self-awareness

2.5. Theory of Mind is understanding your own and others' thoughts and feelings

3. 4 States of Consciousness

3.1. Awake and alert: beta waves (15-30 Hz)

3.2. Daydreaming, calm, and meditation: alpha waves (9-14 Hz)

3.3. Drowsiness and deep relaxation: theta waves (4-8 Hz)

3.4. Deep dreamless sleeping: delta waves (1-3 Hz)

4. Things to do to Beat Insomnia

4.1. Hide clocks

4.2. Sleep in a cool room

4.3. Have a regular sleep schedule

5. Altered States of Consciousness

5.1. Drugs and Hallucinations

5.2. Meditation

5.3. Out-of-body and near-death experiences

5.4. Neurological and psychological disorders

6. Drugs

6.1. Anti-psychotics

6.2. Stimulants

6.3. Depressants

6.4. Hallucinogens

7. Alcohol

7.1. Most used and abused drug

7.2. Is a depressant

7.3. Drinking comes from genetic and environmental factors

7.4. It decreases the release of GABA

7.5. If taken in high doses, it can induce sleep or cause death

8. Cocaine

8.1. A psycho-stimulant

8.2. Increases alertness, decreases fatigue and stimulates sexual arousal

8.3. Blocks dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake channels

8.4. Highly addictive as you build a tolerance

8.5. Tolerance

8.5.1. Progessive insensitivity to repeated use and dosage of the same drug

9. Even though, everyone requires a certain amount of hours of sleep daily, there are some people who have a hard sleeping entirely; however, there are things one can do to help them sleep

10. It is good for people who have insomnia to know what to do to beat it; however, they are things one must also avoid doing too

11. Different conscious states can be induced by drugs, alcohol and cocaine

12. Being conscious helps us be aware of ourselves and others

13. There are 4 conscious states that we experience on a day-to-day basis

14. These conscious states can be altered and affect people mentally and physically

15. More dreams

16. Biology of Sleep

16.1. Circadian rhythm is the cyclical biological changes that happen approximately on a 24-hour basis

16.2. There are changes in hormone release, brain waves, drowsiness, and body temperature

16.3. Melatonin triggers sleep

16.4. Sleep is important for your health, consolidating memories and immune system functioning

17. How Much Sleep?

17.1. Everyone needs 7-10 hours of sleep daily

17.2. If you have a gene mutation called DEC2, then you only need 6 hours

17.3. University and college students need 9 hours of sleep

17.4. Newborns need 16 hours of sleep

18. 5 Stages of Sleeping

18.1. Stage 1 (NREM): Light sleeping, hallucinations, and theta waves

18.2. Stage 2 (NREM): Harder to wake up, sleep spindles and K-Complexes

18.3. Stage 3 and 4 (NREM): Deep sleep, sleep walking and delta waves

18.4. Stage 5 (REM): Pardoxical sleep and dreaming

19. NREM Dreams

19.1. Shorter

19.2. Thought-like

19.3. Repetitive

19.4. Daily/mundane tasks

20. REM Dreams

20.1. Emotional, illogical and nonsensible

20.2. Plot shifts

20.3. Biological crucial

21. Dream Theories

21.1. Psychoanalytical View

21.1.1. Our dreams are symbolic of our unconscious deepest desires

21.2. Cognitive View

21.2.1. There is no hidden meanings in our dreams, it is just a continuation of waking cognitive processes

21.3. Activation Synthesis Theory

21.3.1. Dreams are the brain's attempt to make sense of random neural signals during REM

21.4. Evolutionary View

21.4.1. Dreams allow a person to rehearse situations, so they can deal with it better in real life

22. Things not to do to Beat Insomnia

22.1. Do not drink caffeine

22.2. Do not take naps in the middle of the day

22.3. Do not read in bed

22.4. Do not watch TV or use your laptop before sleeping

23. Our bodies rotate through these five stages; however, everyone requires a different amount of sleep

24. While we sleep, we have many dreams; however, there are lots of different theories for why we dream

25. There may be many different theories as to why we dream, but we only experience two different types of dreams

26. When we are awake we are conscious; however, when we sleep we are not

27. Our sleep cycle rotates through five stages, each which last almost 90 minutes