What topic could we use in our lesson for part 3?

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What topic could we use in our lesson for part 3? by Mind Map: What topic could we use in our lesson for part 3?

1. Littering

1.1. It's a huge problem here, and although it might not be the worst environmental issue, it's something that can be dealt with in class and lead to some easy actions. So, I see this as an entry point into discussions/lessons on the environment.

1.1.1. I think the importance of an entry point shouldn't be underestimated. To give an example, I rather lapsed as an environmentalist in my mid twenties. Then I got a bicycle after a period of not having one, got really into sustainable transport issues, and that led me back to focussing on more general environment issues (Owain)

1.2. Actions:

1.2.1. 1. Learners start a discussion on this in their families.

1.2.2. 2. They create flyers and or a stand with their own posters at their school / local market / town centre and start discussion to get more people on board and reduce littering.

2. Air pollution where I live

2.1. It's a concern to most of my students

2.2. lots of opportunities for action:

2.2.1. driving less

2.2.2. taking the bus

2.2.3. a prize for anyone who cycles to class

3. Local food

3.1. I like this. A localised and personalised start. What do you think might be the link with the environment that you would take?