Hardware vs Software & Input VS Output

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Hardware vs Software & Input VS Output by Mind Map: Hardware vs Software & Input VS Output

1. Input

1.1. Defined as in Glossary: Data or commands entered into the computer by the user. (Lever-Duffy and McDonald, 2015, glossary)

1.1.1. Example: a Word Document

1.1.2. Benifit: Control of what data is put in

1.1.3. Challenge: User can make mistake

2. Output

2.1. Defined as in the glossary: Once data are input by the user and processed by the CPU, the finished information that is returned to the user (Lever-Duffy and McDonald, 2015, glossary)

2.1.1. Internet

2.1.2. Benifit: Can search for things and get a result

2.1.3. Challenge: Some times the data is not accurate

3. Hardware

3.1. Defined as: in the glossary Computer hardware includes all of the computer components that are physical, touchable pieces of equipment. Lever-Duffy and McDonald, 2015, glossary)

3.1.1. Examples of different hardware Computer drive, CD ROM on computer

3.2. Benefit: Can open the door for different students to learn

3.3. Challenge: needing upgrades to support learning Lever-Duffy and McDonald, 2015)

4. Software

4.1. Define as in the glossary: Computer programs created to accomplish specific tasks or perform specific functions. (Lever-Duffy and McDonald, 2015, glossary)

4.1.1. Examples of different softwares: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, (Lever-Duffy and McDonald, 2015, 7.1)

4.2. Different types of Software

4.2.1. Includes, Productivity software, administrative software, classroom management software (Lever-Duffy and McDonald, 2015, 7.1) Example of a scenario using software in the class room (Lever-Duffy and McDonald, 2015, 7.1) Teacher using excel to keep track of grades (Lever-Duffy and McDonald, 2015, 7.1)

4.3. Benefit: Allows different types of softwore for the user to use

4.4. Challenge: The user can make mistakes.