Personal Development: Career : 2 Years

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Personal Development: Career : 2 Years by Mind Map: Personal Development: Career : 2 Years

1. Strengths

1.1. Hard Working

1.2. Honest & Reliable

1.3. Conscientious

1.4. Standards Driven

1.5. Caring

1.6. Customer Focused

1.7. Passionate

1.8. Technologically Savvy

2. Weaknesses

2.1. Lack confidence

2.2. Avoid Conflict

2.3. Cannot develop a budget

2.4. Easily Distracted

2.5. Self-Regulation

2.6. Lack of experience (company)

3. Motivation

3.1. Appreciation

3.2. Prestige

3.3. Support

3.4. Respects

3.5. Trust

3.6. Learning new skills

4. To Do

4.1. Learn Budgeting

4.2. Career Coaching

4.3. Confidence

4.4. Complete Degree

4.5. Savings

4.6. Travel