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Hibernation by Mind Map: Hibernation

1. Read The Mitten

1.1. Writing prompt: A ___can fit in my mitten

2. Read A Bed for Winter

3. Compare A Bed for Winter (non fiction) and Hibernation Station (fiction)

4. Hibernation Sensory Bin- find animals that hibernate

5. Complete a "can , have , are"chart for bears

6. create hibernation stations in the classroom during dramatic play

7. create hibernation stations for various animals using materials in the classroom

8. Create a list of things we do to keep warm in the Winter months

9. Take a walk around the school grounds to identify various local animals and find where they live

10. Read Bear Snores on

10.1. Complete sequence activity about Bear Snores On

11. Read Hibernation Station

12. Learn songs: We're going on a Bear Hunt and Are you Sleeping?

12.1. Go on a "bear hunt" around school

12.2. Dance motions to Are you sleeping?

13. Hibernation morning bins-

13.1. Can you create a place to hibernate out of marshmallows and toothpicks?

13.2. Can you build a hibernation station for animals out of blocks?

13.3. Can you make a place to hibernate out of paper plates, cotton balls and glue?

14. Hibernation inquiry

14.1. explore how to get berries out of ice (representing food for animals)

14.2. Explore what it feels like to have fur to keep you warm

15. make bear track snacks

16. Talk about different animals that hibernate and those that adapt or migrate during winter months

17. Hibernation Day for students to celebrate the culmination of the unit. Hibernation Party? Wear Pajamas?

18. Create bird feeders and hang them around the school yard to feed the animals in the winter