Introduction Unit 9

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Introduction Unit 9 by Mind Map: Introduction  Unit 9

1. Prehistory

1.1. Paleolithic Age (4.2 million years ago to 10,000 BC

1.2. Neolithic Age (10,000 to 4,000 BC

1.3. Metal Age (4,000 to 3,000 BC

2. History

2.1. Ancient Period (writen texts 3,000 BC until the fall of Roman Empire 476 AD

2.1.1. Nuevo nodo

2.2. Middle Ages (476 until the discovery of America 1492)

2.3. Modern Period (1497 until French Revolution 1789)

2.4. Contemporany Period (1789 until Present)

3. Nuevo nodo

3.1. Nuevo nodo