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CYSTS by Mind Map: CYSTS

1. Pseudocysts

2. Soft tissue cyst

3. Developmental


5. Palatal cyst of newborn(epstein pearls)

5.1. Origin: Islands of epithelium entrapped in the median palatine raphe

5.2. Located in the midline

5.3. Keratin - filled

6. Nasopalatine duct cyst

6.1. Most common intraosseous non-odontogenic cyst of the oral cavity

6.2. Located in the midline

6.3. Large cysts are characterized by fluctant swelling

6.4. May arise within the incisive papilla

6.5. Radiographically: Heart-shaped

6.6. Histologically: more than one type of epithelium may be found, The cyst wall contain nasopalatine nerve and vessels

7. Nasolabial cyst(Nasolacrimal cyst)

7.1. Rare soft tissue cyst

7.2. A strong predilection for women

7.3. Origin: epithelial remenants entrapped along the line of fusion of the maxillary , medial nasal and lateral nasal process

7.4. Occurs in the upper lip

7.5. Causes elevation of the ala of the nose

8. Dermoid cyst

8.1. Simpler in structure than teratoma

8.2. Composed of tissue from ectoderm and mesoderm only

8.3. Located in the midline of floor of the mouth

8.4. Keratin-filled

8.5. If located above the geniohyoid muscle--> Causes sublingual swelling displacing the tongue

8.6. If located below the geniohyoid muscle -->Causes submental swelling and double chin appearance

8.7. Contains dermal appendages in the cyst wall

9. Intraoral epidermoid cyst

9.1. Represent the simplest expression of teratoma

9.2. Composed of tissues from the ectoderm only

9.3. Doesn't contain dermal appendages

10. Lymphoepithelial cyst

10.1. Arises from the second branchial arch

10.2. Fluctuant swelling

10.3. Located on the lateral aspect of the neck

10.4. Histologically: the cyst wall contains lymphoid tissue and may demonstrate germinal centers

11. Thyroglossal duct cyst

11.1. Arise from remanants of the thyroglossal duct cyst

11.2. Located in the midline

11.3. Fluctuant and movable swelling

11.4. If attached to hyoid bone or tongue --> it moves vertically during swallowing

11.5. Histologically: the epithelial lining varies by site, Thyroid tissue may be present in the cyst wall

12. Traumatic bone cyst(Solitary bone cyst)

12.1. It is an empty cyst

12.2. Marked mandibular predominance

12.3. Radiographically: appear scalloping between the roots of adjacent teeth

12.4. Treatment by curretage

13. Aneurysmal bone cyst

13.1. Blood soaked sponge appearance clincally

13.2. More common in the posterior region of the mandible

13.3. Rapidly enlarging swelling associated with pain or parathesia

13.4. Multilocular raidographically

13.5. Histologically; blood filled spaces not lined by endothelium, Numerous giant cells in the cyst wall

14. Stafne bone cyst

14.1. Its is a developmental anomaly

14.2. Located under the inferior alveolar canal

14.3. Due to extension of the salivary gland

15. OKC

15.1. Arise from dental lamina

15.2. Associated with nevoid basal carcinoma in case of multiple OKC

15.3. Multilocular

15.4. Grows in anterioposterior direction without bone expansion

15.5. Budding of epithelium

15.6. High recurrence rate

16. Developmental

17. Inflammatory


19. Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst

19.1. mandible in 2/3 of cases

19.2. Orthokeratin

20. Dentigerous cyst(follicular cyst)

20.1. Origin: accumulation of fluid between reduced enamel epithelium

20.2. Painless bony expansion

20.3. Multiple in -> Cleidocranial dysplasia and maroteaux-lamy syndrome

20.4. Mucous cells in epithelium lining

21. Eruption cyst

21.1. Young children below 10 years

21.2. Soft tissue counterpart of dentigerous cyst

21.3. Rupture spontanously , requires no treatment

22. Glandular odontogenic cyst

22.1. Aggressive behaviour

22.2. High recurrence rate

22.3. Strong predilection for anterior mandibular region

22.4. Multilocular

22.5. Histologically: varying epithelium thicknening, tufting, hobnail superficial epithelium, microcysts, clear cells, mucous cells

23. Calcifying odontogenic cyst(gorlin cyst)

23.1. Common in incisor and canine area

23.2. Radiographically: Focal radioopacity in the center surrounded by radiolucency

23.3. Histologically: Ghost cells, dysplastic dentin

24. Lateral developmental odontogenic cyst

24.1. Common in canine and premolar area

24.2. Botryoid cyst: appears polycystic grossly and microscopically, and multilocular radiographically

24.3. The pulp of the associated tooth is vital in contrast to Inflammatory lateral radicular cyst

24.4. Histologically: swirling focal epithelial thickening

25. Gingival cyst of adult

25.1. Soft tissue counterpart of lateral periodontal developmental cyst

25.2. Strong predilection for canine and premolar region

26. Gingival cyst of infants(bohn's nodule)

26.1. Common in maxillary alveolus

26.2. Keratin-filled cyst

26.3. Spontaneous regression , so no treatment needed

26.4. Cyst rarely seen after 3 months of age

27. Radicular cyst

27.1. Periapical cyst is the most common odontogenic cyst

27.2. Fluctant swelling

27.3. The tooth associated with the cyst is non-vital

27.4. Rushton hyaline bodies( Could be seen in any odontogenic cyst)

27.5. Cholesterol clefts and dystrophic calcification

28. Buccal bifurcation cyst(paradental cyst)

28.1. Develops on the buccal aspect of partially erupted molars

28.2. Occurs in children from 5 to 13 years