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Disaster Management by Mind Map: Disaster Management

1. Hazards

1.1. Man-made

1.2. Natural

2. Stages

2.1. Pre-Disaster

2.1.1. Community Involvement & Awareness

2.1.2. Standard of Operating Procedures

2.1.3. Interaction with cooperate sectors, nongovernmental organizations, and the media

2.2. Disaster

2.2.1. Alert System (NOLA Ready etc.)

2.3. Post-Disaster

2.3.1. Response (assess need), Recovery (rebuilding)

3. Cycles

3.1. Prevention & Mitigation

3.1.1. Land use planning

3.1.2. Land Management

3.1.3. Non-Structurall measures

3.1.4. Zoning Instrument

3.1.5. Building Codes

3.2. Disaster Preparedness

3.2.1. Emergency Management: Prediction; Early warning, etc.

3.2.2. Evacuation Gather Data/maps Emergency Food

3.2.3. Emergency Planning Emergency Operation Center

3.3. Response, Recovery/Rebuilding

3.3.1. Emergency Management: Response- Emergency Relief, Rescue Services, Response Plans, etc. Recovery-Rebuilding, Retrofitting

4. Vulnerabilities

4.1. Economic Factors

4.2. Sociocultural Factors

4.3. Institutional Factors