1. sales letter / ebook / presentation resources for your team
1.1. my DIY
1.1.1. early bird http://virallyseducingwpplugin.com/
1.1.2. jv site http://virallyseducingwpplugin.com/jv%20offer
1.1.3. sales letter http://virallyseducingwpplugin.com/infographics/
1.1.4. ebook for potenital buyers of service, could use it as an OTO http://viralmarketingproject.com/Viral%20Recommendation%20Report.pdf for potential buyers of plugin https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_V-LlZ-FZ49WjlDdlh1Qm0zc0E
1.1.5. swipe emails long and short versions https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_omTeOerOLH47R4qdKasVTLKf1wLFdvi_-hodEVwYyc/edit
1.2. others related
1.2.1. http://go.extole.com/WebsiteAdvocacySummitReplay2012October_ThankYou.html
1.2.2. http://go.extole.com/WebsiteFBOGWebinarReplay.html
1.2.3. http://go.extole.com/OpenGraphWhitePaper.html
1.2.4. http://indispensablemarketing.wordpress.com/2012/10/15/converting-your-viral-traffic-the-indispensable-way/?goback=%2Egde_2072411_member_175360867
1.2.5. http://mashable.com/2012/05/16/high-engagement-on-facebook-coupons/?goback=%2Egna_84606
1.2.6. http://socialmediatoday.com/amanda-disilvestro/823671/why-facebook-check-deals-are-especially-great-restaurants
1.2.7. http://go.extole.com/WebsiteAltimeterWebinarReplay_ThankYou.html?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRonv6nAZKXonjHpfsX56%2B4lXrHr08Yy0EZ5VunJEUWy2YAJTtQhcOuuEwcWGog8xRRMFeyQ
2. functions
2.1. content locker
2.1.1. share on social networks facebook share linkedin share G+
2.1.2. display 3 buttons, 2 buttons, or only one
2.1.3. to open user must share on all or only on one
2.2. list building
2.2.1. aweber integration w/ G+ Facebook
2.3. Banner Image - Call To Action
2.3.1. split testing
2.3.2. html or visual
2.4. specify sharing options
2.4.1. customize share message, links, picture
2.4.2. redirect traffic
2.5. persuasive element in form of blurred locked content
2.6. after you delete the shared link, the post gets locked back again unless its G+, bad api
2.7. coupon feauture
3. benefits of plugin
3.1. improves traffic
3.2. improve social exposure - brand awerness
3.3. improves seo diversification
3.4. improves:stay time of your posts
3.5. gives feeling of reciprocity
3.6. list building
3.7. it is interactive, demands interaction from visitor
3.8. as facebook tab
3.8.1. increase fans with like gating
3.8.2. promotions get viral
4. To DIscuss / Suggestions
4.1. which support ticket platform to use
4.2. delivery of licencing keys and training material in membership site or standalone hrml?
4.3. price options
4.3.1. 17 - powered by...non brandable, can add affiliate link single
4.3.2. 27 - powered by...non brandable, can add affiliate link multi domain
4.3.3. 47 - powered by...brandable, can add its own link, can send business owner a special link ehwre they can monitor sharing info in real time developer license
4.4. sales funnel
4.4.1. oto1 21 - clean wp theme + offline coupon PDF templates + brandable whiteboard video
4.4.2. oto2 7 each - clean wp theme OR offline coupon PDF templates OR brandable whiteboard video
4.4.3. use share reveal for bonus at the last site of sales funnel
4.5. affiliate contest, we have it?
4.6. commisions structure?
4.6.1. 50/50
4.7. use of retargeting
4.7.1. on affiliates
4.7.2. on premium buyers
4.8. lite version - after the launch to the wp library
4.8.1. functionality only "master hidden content" functionality premium functions are visible to lite version with embeded aff. links to premium salespage
4.8.2. delivery one week before premium launch: lite version WSO for 7usd or free upon sharing for affiliates to download with their embeded aff link to send it to their lists as a free give away
4.9. warming up of buyers
4.9.1. through affiliates email swipes longer shorter free pdf ebook can embed their aff link or redirect to early bird lite version
4.9.2. through forum early bird - 3 days free pdf ebook open Wso for lite version 7 usd or download for free - must share - 7 days before premium launch
4.10. VPS
4.10.1. to survive the traffic
4.11. how are buyers added to my email list - the process?
4.11.1. to both emails, single email, buyer list
4.12. survey from buyers, let them engage
5. future upgrades
5.1. add more autoresponder services
5.2. add twitter, pinterest buttons
5.3. add referral tracking
5.4. add traffic analytics
6. how to videos
6.1. how to add hidden content on blog post
6.2. how to add hidden contetn on all posts
6.3. how to add call to action
6.4. how to connect fb app
6.5. hot to connect linkedin app
6.6. how to connect google app
6.7. how to connect aweber app
6.8. how to install plugin
6.9. how to activate plugin
6.10. iframe bypass: how to add blurr image automatically
6.11. how to blurr iframe
6.12. how to set coupon
6.13. how to test the process of sharing and publishing - if everythig is set correctly
6.14. how to read stats: sharing / impressions * 100% ; number of impressions you read from google analytics
6.15. how to use "FB user Info" and export list of people for coupon redemption
6.16. how to promote the plugin and earn
6.17. how to test G+ app settings
6.18. how to test Fb app settings
7. best practices
7.1. for autoblogs - use "Master Hidden Content"
7.2. professional blogger for premium posts
7.3. small businesses offering discount in form of coupons,
7.4. clubs
7.5. contests
7.6. as standalone website
7.6.1. http://viralmarketingproject.com/get-pizza
7.7. use html widget to direct to landing page with plugin in action
7.8. offer product with lower price in hidden area
7.9. banner image - call to action
7.9.1. html add spokeperson add buy button - user instead of sharing decides to pay for premium post add optin form - user instead of sharing decides to receive information by email insert video introduction, video starts playing with 30 sec silence, so visitor can read through first example
7.10. as facebook Tab
7.10.1. with like gating
7.10.2. without like gating
7.10.3. contest
7.10.4. cheaper intem promotions