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HR Analytics by Mind Map: HR Analytics

1. People Analytics

1.1. Statistics

1.2. Modeling

1.3. Employee related factors

2. Talent Analytics

2.1. Statistics

2.2. Modeling

2.3. Employee related factors

3. Workforce Analytics

3.1. Statistics

3.2. Modeling

3.3. Employee related factors

4. Manage Employees

5. Retain Employees

6. Improved ROI

7. Job of HR Professionals

7.1. Employees Survey

7.2. Attendance Records

7.3. Multi-rater Reviews

7.4. Salary and promotion history

7.5. Employee work history

7.6. Demographic data

7.7. Personality data

7.8. Recruitment process

7.9. Employee databases

7.10. Benchmark Analysis

7.11. Data-gathering

7.12. Data cleansing

7.13. Analysis

7.14. Evaluate Goals

7.15. Evaluate KPI's

7.16. Create action plan

7.17. Execute on plan

7.18. Streamline process

8. HR Analytics Applications

8.1. Retention

8.1.1. Current churn rate

8.1.2. Attrition by department

8.1.3. Attrition by estimated commute time

8.1.4. Similar attributes of employees with longer tenure

8.1.5. Similar attributes of employees who leave within 1 year

8.1.6. On-boarding experience

8.1.7. Survey data

8.1.8. Qualitative data

8.1.9. Employee performance data to forecast future attrition

8.2. Employee performance

8.3. Recruiting

8.3.1. Average number of applicants

8.3.2. Number of applications to offer

8.3.3. Security updates

8.3.4. Scheduled maintenance

8.3.5. Infrastructure management

8.3.6. Number of final rounds to offer

8.3.7. Offer acceptance rate

8.4. Employee Development

8.5. Workforce Planning

8.6. Employee Engagement

8.6.1. Coaching skills

8.6.2. Concerned for well-being of employees

8.6.3. Results oriented

8.6.4. Excellent communicator

8.6.5. Develops employees

8.6.6. Clear vision and strategy for team

8.6.7. Key technical skills to guide team

8.7. Compensation

8.8. Incentive Programs

9. Benefits of HR Analytics

9.1. Better hiring practices

9.2. Decreased Retention

9.3. Task automation

9.4. Process Improvement

9.5. Improved employee experience

9.6. More productive workforce

9.7. Informed talent development

10. Challenges of HR Analytics

10.1. Finding people with the right skillset to gather, manage, and report on the data

10.2. Data cleansing

10.3. Data quality

10.4. Too much data to parse or not knowing what data is most important

10.5. Data privacy and compliance

10.6. Proving its worth to executive leadership

10.7. Tying actions and insight to ROI

10.8. Identifying the best HR technologies to keep track of the data