1. How the information will be used: The information will be used to make sure the clients purchases meets the client's long term goals by looking at more than just the price. this will include looking at their lifestyle, neighbourhood, personal preferences and future value.
1.1. The information will help the homebuyer make an informed decision based on organized and filtered data that will help the homebuyer have a hassle-free experience that focuses on their current and future needs.
2. Group 116: Datamed Operations & management
2.1. Operations: to know customer preferences and give them a personalized experience. They will be able to look at customer info and see their hobbies, lifestyle, etc. and give them recommendations about events/services that Datamed has that will interest them.
2.1.1. The data collected will allow us to develop our CRM which will ensure that we stay in focus with our value proposition which is that we need to keep customers feeling valued, having a personalized experience and have knowledgeable staff.
2.2. Management: They will look at the customer preferences and trends in order to determine what new services they would like to introduce, how they want to advertise and pass along this information to employees to ensure that they are continuing the personalize the experience for customers.
3. Group 111: City Workforce
3.1. The information gathered from operational CRM will be used at all levels of our organization.
3.1.1. Frontline employees will use information about employee feedback and client satisfaction reports to implement strategic decisions/policies that will improve future transactions to maintain profitable business relationships. They will be able to analyze data concerning each of their clients' specific job openings, requirements, and deadlines in order to plan ahead of time and supply the right employees even before the client company needs to reach out and ask.
3.2. At the management level of our organization, the data found through analytical CRM marketing initiatives, will help our compnay create behaviour predictions. These predictions will allow us to predict the most in demand types of employees (based on skill set and experience). This will create a more efficient process of matching potential employees with our clients. Thus improving customer service and satisfaction
3.3. Using analytical CRM, Upper level management will forecast industries of high growth.
3.3.1. They will use this information to adapt to, and take advantage of conditions in the macroenvironment (unemployment rates in a given industry, thriving networks of qualified potential employees for our clients).
3.3.2. This will enable our organization to be able to respond to a specific state at the same time or even before a client company realizes they are even it is (i.e. a labor shortage).
4. Group 113
4.1. VanRealty
4.1.1. At what level: Bulk of the information will be used by the operations level of the company with the use of a DSS System. We need to have accurate data on sales/listing prices/demographics/communities. Operations will be using data on a daily basis while the information is continually expanding as more homes are being bought
5. At what level of the organisation will the data/information from Phase 3 be used? And how?
6. Group 114
6.1. Data of patients' needs regarding medication, treatment methods, and medical history will be needed at all levels of the organization.
6.1.1. Doctors will need the information when meeting with patients, so that they can better treat them. TPS will help improve decision making on patient prescriptions and treatment methods. People in charge of obtaining supplies will need the information so that they buy the right quantity of the right supplies. Upper management will need the information so that they can use it to make educated decisions on policy. They will use EIS systems. Because they will only need summarized information on the clinic data. Transaction Processing Systems will be useful for clerical tasks, so that anyone making clerical decisions and doing clerical tasks will have proper information on past transactions. TPS also makes all the other information systems possible. New node
7. Group 112
7.1. MoveIt
8. Group 117
8.1. City Workforce - The data could be used by management to analyze the current position of the business and the industry. Management can review changes in the number of employees, employers, and employment positions and compare this data to economic trends to predict future opportunities and obstacles. However, most of the data use will be in the lower levels of the organization. The data will be used by recruiters to find suitable workers and/or match them with employment positions. They will be able to review workers' skills, experience, education, and past positions with City Workforce to better match them with employers. It will be used by the workers to research jobs. Workers will be able to review data about employers to help them choose future positions as well as prepare their resumes and prepare for interviews.
9. Group 115: VanRealty
9.1. Operations (Realtors/Agents/Office/Front Line Workers)
9.1.1. Need personal and demographic information about their clients (name, background, etc.). This can help us provide tailored services. TPS Website collects data from account activities (what type of properties people view the most), etc. DSS Determine which potential properties people would be interested in based on what was collected from TPS system
9.1.2. Agents can collect data using a TPS system on past sales, trends, etc and an MIS system to determine appropriate prices for different locations around town based on the TPS data. This will help us determine a fair price for the sellers in order to meet their time constraints by not wasting time with unreasonable prices (that they may come up with on their own without guidance or data).
9.1.3. Collecting billing information from buyers/sellers TPS For accounts recweivable and accounts payable on property purchases DSS Forecast how customers will pay for property
9.1.4. Agents need availability of buyers TPS Reservation system for open houses and realtor appointments DSS Can help us determine what buyers would be interested in a open house based on the data collected by the TPS system on preferences
9.2. Marketing Department
9.2.1. Determine and analyze customer feedback to improve operations/realtor services Text Mining Analyze Facebook/Twitter posts - see if followers are saying positive or negative things about the company - If negative, respond to poster, see what can be done to improve their experience in the future. Analyze testimonials and reviews of company and services on blogs
9.2.2. Determine and forecast current demand / number of immigrants coming to a certain area of Vancouver / economic health of different areas/regions in Vancouver to determine areas of potential growth or areas where sales could rise in the near future We can allocate funds on specific areas.
9.3. Human Resources and Payroll
9.3.1. Need contact information, transactions, activities, sales of realtors TPS Manually collect information from realtors For payroll, sales commissions from property sales MIS To determine average sales To determine performance measures/productivity of realtors Peak months of operation; productivity reports
10. Group 118
10.1. Strategic Management
10.1.1. In order to make and achieve long term goals top management needs to know what is working efficiently, what could be improved upon and what new tech we need to achieve their goals TPS Analyze the functionality/efficiency of the various technologies being used and seek out new/improved technologies
10.2. Management Control
10.2.1. Needs to conduct performance evaluations and conduct customers relations management MIS Uses customer feedback from customer files in the database to identify workers who perform well and those who could perform better Use customer feedback as well to create a better customer experience/long term customer loyalty
10.3. Operational Control
10.3.1. Needs to manage the assets/resources to generate the best cash flow and minimize cost DSS They look at the routes that are produced by the raw data, and looking at the reports from past data to see monthly trends, and see how operations could be more efficienct
10.4. Operations
10.4.1. Needs to know where they're delivering on a daily basis and in a timely fashion DSS It will make daily operations efficient by producing the best delivery routes, optimizing scheduling
11. Group 119
11.1. Good Foods Canada
11.1.1. Strategic Management and Operational Control Plan for when items will need to be replaced DSS from MIS Need to know delivery time for new orders Expiry date analysis to minimize lost revenue DSS Estimated shelf life of products before expiration Purchasing correlations between products DSS Sales of one item matching up to sales of other products Seasonal evaluations of products How much of each product is available at certain points in the year and their demand Economic trends of product growth Data warehouse will be continuously used for every growing number of purchases and customer profiles Customer Rewards Program Work to maintain customer purchase patterns and frequently purchased products Customer purchase history Customer shopping frequency information
12. Group 120
12.1. City Workforce
12.1.1. Strategic Management This leads into Strategic Management, which will allow us to personalize to our buyers' needs by allocating efficiently. Since our resources are our employees, using data about them is especially important in our company We need to closely monitor our quantity and quality of our data base, so as a company we can plan ahead if we need to focus on increasing supply or demand. New node We will also utilize our database to closly monitor our client's feedback so that we can adjust accordingly
12.1.2. Operational Control Operational Management: specific day to say tasks are essential to our company as we provide TEMPORARY work, which essentially may change each day. We need to monitor our database daily in order to efficiently allocate resources to our "buyers" or companies The core of our business is to find the perfect match for job offers, therefore, we need to utilize our database heavily on a day to day basis.
13. New node
14. Group 101
14.1. VanRealty
14.1.1. OPERATIONAL CONTROLS (Full-Time Real Estate Agents and Administrative Staff): Needs background information about the clients (such as demographics) and about the listings (correlating with customer information and needs)to personalize the customer service experience--> Also need information to bill customers and process information. Need a system for salary processing and HR internal. --> TPS MIS system for operations --> looks at records and reports of price information and sales to be able to do price-strategies more effectively. This would ensure that a customer is able to find an ideal fit with the firm and house of choice.
14.1.2. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (Senior Manager): Data needed: forecasts of future trends in housing market, statistics in recent housing sales (type of houses, price of houses, high demand areas), forecasts for demand based on current economy locally, nationally, and internationally. We need data for demand forecasting and financial planning, marketing to the right clients. MIS DSS (trying to anticipate the future). Anticipating trends in the market as well as our clients needs Social media campaigns: Look at channels such as Facebook, twitter, and daily blogs to receive feedback and trend information abotu positive and popular posts about the company. See which types of people are following social media channels. Use means like hootsuite and a blog to ensure consistency of information. Use this information to see types of customers and popular listings and positive information abotu company to better predit consumer preferences and consumer needs to ensure an ideal customer service experience and marketing plan.
14.1.3. MANAGEMENT CONTROL (Marketing and Sales specialists) Data needed: Inventory control system, sales management system --> MIS (takes data from TPS) Provides information for decision making FROM MIS: summary reports of sales (be able to determine which area/kind of real estate i.e. townhomes, condos are in demand)--> boost up marketing on the ones that haven't be sold for more than a month after the listing was posted
15. Group 103 - Good Foods Canada
15.1. Customer preferences - Purchasing manager - Upper management to shape strategy - Salespeople to identify what type of customer would have what type of needs - Marketing department – to determine pricing strategies
15.2. Inventory needs - Salespeople – to know what is in stock - Cashiers – need to be accessible within POS system - Marketing department – pricing strategies, promotions - People who stock the shelves – to ensure product availability on sales floor - Accounting department - to forecast future cash flows
15.3. Product information - Primary salespeople – to answer any customer requests on nutrition information and source of food - Marketing department – to come up with appropriate promotional campaigns that match product selection - Limited information (big picture idea) to upper management to ensure that product selection matches value proposition as well as store values on organic foods
15.4. Transportation and Logistics Information - Account manager – to mitigate the effects of any delayed deliveries - May need to trickle certain information down to salespeople to communicate estimated stock arrival times with customers
15.5. Supplier information - Shipping & receiving staff and department - Upper management if there is a problem / incident and for larger suppliers - Account managers - Salespeople – so that they know when products are going to restocked and where the food is coming from - Accounting department - so that accounts payable can prepare payment
16. Group 105
16.1. Good Foods Canada
16.1.1. Strategic DSS Supplier information used to allocate product to different store locations. Can suppliers meet our demand? Expanding the size of existing stores and opening new stores. CEOs.
16.1.2. Management Control MIS Using inventory and POS (loyalty card) to watch inventory levels and track consumer trends. Knowing when inventory going to go bad. upper level management make company decisions like payroll.
16.1.3. Operational TPS and MIS Restock prodcuts store managers. When to hold sales.
16.1.4. Because of cost and other concerns we have as a company, we do not feel it is necessary to invest in EIS. we do not have all the information we need to run it and would not be able to use it to its full potential.
17. Group 104
17.1. Vanalyst
17.1.1. Management: monitor performance (any capital loss and gain). obtaining customer data such as geographical location, social economical status, risk adversity and general expectations to accommodate with individual customer needs. Using the same database, we could allocate our resources according to the profitability of different consumers (customer profitability analysis).
17.1.2. Operational: Obtaining data from external sources (current market, share prices, crude oil and gold pricing) to predict any future trends
17.1.3. Strategic: set long term objectives based on market trends. Apply customer relationship management by analyzing their individual lifetime value and therefore focus on customers who have a greater lifetime value to the company
18. Group 102: VANREALTY
18.1. Management Level: Data of real estate market conditions used to predict market prices to enhance price negotiation power.
18.1.1. DSS: used to anticipate future trends, whether the market is a buyers or sellers market for pricing
18.2. Strategic Level: data of potential clients who search keywords like "Vancouver West" on Facebook, Twitter, local real estate blogs
18.2.1. Text Mining: help us locate potential clients and proactively reach out to them and broaden our client base
18.3. Operational Level: data of all VanRealty's own listings
18.3.1. OLAP: once properties are sold or made available, multiple realtors can update the database instantly at the same time to avoid other realtors to bring their clients to the sold property OR allow other realtors to bring their clients to newly available properties in order to provide a timely service
18.4. Strategic Level: Data of client information, feedback, preferences, past transaction records - used
18.4.1. DSS: generating listings available (taken from MLS database) to meet client needs/preferences In the long run, we also want to use past transaction records for building long term relationships with clients. Perhaps clients will want to sell their properties again and purchase a new home, stored data of their previous preferences enables us to tailor our services accordingly without clients to provide same info again.
18.5. HR level: data of all real estate agents, including past sales, personal data
18.5.1. TPS: payroll purposes DSS: matching real estate agents to clients based on client needs (ie. language, gender, cultural background)
18.6. Operations and Management Level: Data of all sales transaction
18.6.1. TPS: recording sales data used for income tax purposes; MIS: has the option to provide more monthly reports (ie. monthly income statements) New node
18.7. Operational: all MLS listings in general that includes listings from other real estate companies like REMAX (available database already)
18.7.1. DSS: keep track of popular listings with the most "clicks" to gain insight on what current buyers look for (ie. price, location)
19. Group 110
19.1. The data and information from Phase 3 will be used by the Management of Move It. This data and information is retrieved from the databases and the CRM modules of the software Move It uses. gathering and analyzing this information will yield trends and patterns of business such as busy moving days, high employee sick days, and high demand days for students and immigrants. Additionally, the company also wants to track moving times, gas milage used per trip, and gas prices to ensure the most cost efficient routes. By having this data and information available, By having this data and information available, MoveIT can MoveIt can find cost effective solutions to decrease route time and scheduling. From the CRM modules management could get feedback from the customers and assess level of customer satisfaction. Using this information management would be able to modify company practices and adapt to changing customer needs and expectations. Using this data management can also predict future trends and accommodate these in their forecasts and business plans
20. Group 108
20.1. Good Foods Canada
20.1.1. Strategic TPS data gathered will be used by employees for daily tasks Stock, traffic, operational variables must be known for employees to effectively serve customers and manage inventory -Record routine transactions (update, storage, summarize; POS) -Knowing inventory needs, when products go bad Supply chain/Supplier/Trend data will be used by Managers and CEOs for decision making This data can be extracted from a data warehouse to undergo analysis such as data mining to find (or find possible correlations of) trends that will influence our long-term objectives.
20.1.2. Operational
20.1.3. Management monitor performance, make adjustments MIS produces summary reports; to see if our personalized coupons are generating profits Need to track amount of online users to see if popular/effective
20.1.4. .
21. Group 106 DataMed
21.1. Strategic: Set long-term objectives; allocate resources EIS: Supporting the work of high-level decision maker
21.1.1. Data that DataMed wishes to gather and collect Demographic (age, race, family medical history) Visit date/time/frequency Past medical history Current general health (measured by patient's lifestyle: exercise, eating habits..etc)
21.1.2. Information Year-to-date revenues from patients Ensure our revenues cover our costs and that we are making a profit. Analysis of frequency of diseases with higher occurrences at a given period of time By grouping patients by their disease/illness, the most frequent diseases will be identified and DataMed will be prepared with supplies and doctors to treat these patients Trend analysis of individual patient visits DataMed will take data from previous years to form charts and analyses to predict the amount of patients who will come to DataMed in a period of time, therefore hiring more part-time staff at a given season during the year.
21.1.3. We chose Strategic level of management since we are not a public medical institution we require sizable competitive advantage over other institutions. This can be achieved by customer loyalty so they always come back for our service. This ties in well with our value proposition and our long term goals for the company: to provide consistent, convenient professional service to our patients by pinpointing what they value most in medical services.
22. Group 109
22.1. MoveIT
22.1.1. As we mentioned in the Phase 2 mindmap, the most important factor in the value chain for our company is operations. Therefore the information from Phase 3 will be used by the operational level of management. The success of our firm is based on efficient scheduling and managing, and therefore knowing how to carry out specific day-to-day tasks in extremely important. Also the information we need is customer-specific (for example, specific customer needs and wants) and the operational level will then work around this information to provide the best day-to-day service possible. The data also project trends that can be used to facilitate future plannings. Information such as the trends of inflow and outflow of immigrants and students from past years (as mentioned in phase 3) will be useful to the management control level of the organization, as they will need to monitor this information to project future demand, combined with the performance from the operational level to make the necessary adjustments. This information (immigration trends) can be compiled with use of the DSS because it has the ability to use past information to forecast future demand and supply. This is crucial for our company to gauge demand throughout the year. It is also useful for day-to-day activities such as scheduling and management and route-planning.
23. Group 107
23.1. City Workforce: Management and Operation Control
23.1.1. Operation and Management Control: whats most important for city workforce is that we are able to match exactly what companies look for with the ideal worker. If we do not do this at the optimal level then our buyers (companies) will be dissatisfied and therefore not come to us. We chose operation control becasue we need to be look after our inventory, which is our workers, and we need to make sure we match these workers with the right employers. We also chose management control because we want to follow up on our decisions when choosing workers to the company so that the companies are satisfied with the workers. If we follow up and see what went wrong, we can make changes and then therefore maximize satisfaction. The specific types of data management sources we will need would be CRM and DSS. This is because CRM will enable us to maintain customer satisfaction and follow-up with our employer-employee conditions and to make sure we achieved a good fit. In addition, DSS will enable us to perform the matching process of fitting supply with demand. Thus we can customize each job description and match them with the adequate employee. DSS, the aid to making the decisions of our company with regards to matching employee to employer, as well as CRM, the passage in which we maintain and gather customer information are both crucial to the success of City Workforce.