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spin by Mind Map: spin

1. Where: Adam Rd Hawker Centre for Muslim food

1.1. New node

2. prooi

2.1. sprinkhaan

3. huis

3.1. web

3.2. New node

4. New node

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5. New node

6. Where: Old Airport Road Hawker Centre

6.1. Why: Over 50 food stalls opening throughout the day! A wide variety of local dishes! Eat till your drop!!

6.1.1. sdsdsd sdsdsd

6.2. Where: Check out the Google map here!

6.3. What to eat 1: Lao Fu Zi Char Kway Teow (Rating: 4.3/5)

6.3.1. Janus: Yes it's very healthy too. Less oil, more vegetables than other Char Kway Teow

6.4. What to eat 2: Lao Ban Soya Beancurd 老伴豆花 (Rating: 4.5/5)

6.4.1. New node

6.4.2. New node

6.5. New node

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7. Where: VJC Canteen? =P

7.1. which stall?

7.1.1. New node

8. Where: Tiong Bahru Market