Elements of Digital Citiz

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Elements of Digital Citiz by Mind Map: Elements of Digital Citiz

1. Law

1.1. Plagarism

1.2. downloading illegal music

1.3. hacking into other people's information

1.3.1. 'Spoofing' is convincing people to give personal bank details so they can hack into people's accounts.

1.4. creating viruses

1.5. stealing someone's identification or spam

1.5.1. Did you know that one in five U.S families have been victims to identification theft?

2. Rights and Responsibilities

2.1. The right of privacy and free speech

2.2. The responsibility to keep yourself safe

2.3. Technology must be used in an appropriate manner

2.4. don't misuse or abuse over the internet

2.5. there are nine rules here are three of them

2.5.1. • Digital Access • Digital Commerce • Digital Communication

2.6. technology must be used not to post anything that could be harmful to others

2.7. put filters and blocks on your computer to protect your family from bad websites

2.8. if you have kids protect your kids inappropriate