Adult Learning

Concept Map for Foundations of Adult Learning

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Adult Learning by Mind Map: Adult Learning

1. Generational Differences

1.1. Variety of generations present in workplaces

1.2. Micro generations

1.2.1. Mix of characteristics

1.2.2. Cuspers

1.3. Learning Theory diversity

1.3.1. Action Learning

1.3.2. Experiential Learning

1.3.3. Self-directed Learning

1.3.4. Project Based Learning

1.4. Get Rid of Assumptions

2. Learning Environments

2.1. Cultural impact

2.1.1. Increased diversity with each generation

2.1.2. Cultural competence

2.2. Context of Change

2.2.1. Change is a given

2.2.2. Preparing the mind for change

2.3. Neuroscience & learning how to learn

3. Future of Adult Learning

3.1. Role of technology

3.2. Increase in adult learners

3.3. Getting rid of the digital divide

3.4. Continued expansion

4. Power of Positive Thinking

4.1. Improves learning capacity

4.2. Mindfulness

4.2.1. Thinking and being "in the moment"

4.2.2. Increased satisfaction personally & professionally

4.3. Need for exploration

4.4. Five Second Rule

4.4.1. Say yes, rather than no

4.4.2. Forget the emergency brake

5. Social Intelligence

5.1. Cognitive flexibility

5.2. Emotional Impact

5.3. Interpersonal interactions & relationships

5.4. "Think like a kid"