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English Verb by Mind Map: English Verb

1. Non-finite verbs

1.1. perform different functions according to its intermediary nature (those of the syntactic subject, object, adverbial modifier, attribute), but its non-processual functions are always actualised in close combination with its processual semantic features: He wanted to find a solution.

2. Finite verb

2.1. perform the function of the verb-predicate, expressing the processual categorial features of predication, i.e. time, aspect, voice, and mood: The man runs to the store to get a gallon of milk.

3. Phrasal verbs

3.1. combine a base verb with another word, usually a preposition or adverb – known as a particle – to create a completely new meaning (stand up, sit down, get up)

4. Notional verbs

4.1. actional

4.1.1. do, act, perform, make, go, read, learn, discover

4.2. statal

4.2.1. be, live, survive, worry, suffer, rejoice, stand, see

5. Functional verbs

5.1. auxiliary verbs

5.1.1. to be, to have, to do

5.2. semi-notional verbid introducer verbs

5.2.1. relational semantics (seem, happen, turn out), of subject-action relational semantics (try, fail, manage), of phasal semantics (begin, continue, stop)

5.3. modal verbs

5.3.1. can, may, must, shall, will, ought, need, used (to), dare, be, have

5.4. link-verbs

5.4.1. be, seem, appear, look, feel, taste, become, get, grow, remain, keep

6. Limitive verbs

6.1. arrive, come, leave, find, start, stop, conclude, aim, drop, catch

7. Unlimitive verbs

7.1. move, continue, live, sleep, work,behave, hope,stand,

8. Transitive verbs

8.1. I admire your courage.

9. Intransitive verbs

9.1. I work for a large firm in Paris.

10. Objective verbs

10.1. I saw him yesterday.

11. Non-objective verbs

11.1. I'll go to the library at once and get this book out.

12. Person

12.1. grammatical category of the Verb indicating the doer of the action. It only exists in the future and present tenses of the indicative mood

12.1.1. first, second and third

13. Number

13.1. singular and plural

14. Tense

14.1. reflects the objective category of time and expresses the relations between the time of the action and the time of the utterance

14.1.1. Present bus arrives in London at 6 p.m

14.1.2. Future I’ll write that report on Thursday

14.1.3. Past I met Lisa yesterday

15. Aspect

15.1. reflects the inherent mode of the realization of the process

15.1.1. continuous forms John was fishing when the seals arrived

15.1.2. perfect forms John had caught two mackerel before the seals arrived

16. Voice

16.1. expresses the relation between the subject and the action

16.1.1. active He invited his friends.

16.1.2. passive He was invited by his friends.

17. Mood

17.1. expresses the character of connection between the process denoted by the verb and the actual reality, either presenting the process as a fact that really happened, happens or will happen, or treating it as an imaginary phenomenon

17.1.1. The imperative mood represented by the base form of the verb, or the bare infinitive Come!

17.1.2. The subjunctive mood expressed by both synthetic forms (infinitive, were, the past indefinite) and analytical forms (should/would + infinitive) It was suggested that he wait till the next morning.

17.1.3. The indicative mood The form of a verb that is used to express statements of fact Whales are mammals, not fish.

17.1.4. The interrogative mood This mood is used to ask questions. Interrogatives are formed by adding an auxiliary verb to another verb, with the auxiliary verb typically being placed before the subject Are you coming out tonight?

17.1.5. The conditional mood made from the auxiliary verb would (also should with I and we) and the infinitive of the other verb without to. It’s used to make requests and to refer to situations which are uncertain or which depend on something else happening or being the case I would like some coffee please.