'The more science advances, the more religion will decline.' To what extent do you agree?

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'The more science advances, the more religion will decline.' To what extent do you agree? by Mind Map: 'The more science advances, the more religion will decline.' To what extent do you agree?

1. Anti-thesis (disagree)

1.1. It is fallacious to assume that science and religion cannot co-exist. Science deals with facts while religion deals with values.

1.1.1. The very reason why some insist that science and religion cannot co-exist lies in the way how they interpret religious contexts. We can choose either the literal interpretation of Bible, Koran, etc., or put more emphasis on the comfort and guidance religions provide. In fact, famous scientists throughout history have acknowledged the existence of God. Among them are Issac Newton, and Albert Einstein. Einstein:' Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.' This shows that the importance of religion to science and the importance of science to religion is recognized by this famous scientist.

1.2. Religion acts as the moral compass in our life, and are the definite ethical limits to science. Man will lose their moral bearing in a world ruled only be facts, but without faith.

1.2.1. Disastrous effects might arise if the development of sciences is not guided by religion. There will be a loss of morality in mankind. For example, the success of human cloning will adversely affect the normal life cycle of human.

1.3. Advancement of pseudo sciences such as Astrology, which has strong links to Christianity.

1.3.1. Religion acts as a source of aspiration for sciences, it guides where sciences should develop. Without religion, some pseudo sciences such as Astrology might not developed. Therefore, religion will not decline when science develops but continue to gain recognition by more people, especially scientists.

1.4. Religion and science are not contradicting in nature. Religion provides mental support to mankind in the progressing world.

1.4.1. In the world nowadays which is ever-changing, while facing the science and technology advances, mankind might not be able to cope with the changes and feel depressed and hopeless, religion provides mental support. Religion helps to increase confidence of mankind, reduce worries and think positively. This shows that the advancement in sciences will not cause religion to decline as they are not opposing ideas after all. For example, the recent global recession which affected the Singaporean economy saw more people going to mosques and churches.

2. Thesis

2.1. "Scientism" or "evolutionism": Science's increasing ability to explain, shape, quantify the human experience, in place of earlier dependence on religious beliefs for such purposes.

2.1.1. In the past, God was a means to explain the unexplained mysteries. However, the advancement in science has resolved most of this issues, causing the followers to doubt the existence of the Almighty. Brain imaging illustrates-- in color!-- the physical seat of the will and the passions, challenging the religious concept of a soul independent of glands and gristle. Brain chemists track imbalances that could account for the ecstatic states of visionary saints or, some suggest, of Jesus. The multiverse hypothesis in cosmology speculates that ours may be but one in a cascade of universes, suddenly bettering the odds that life could have cropped up here accidentally, without divine intervention.

2.1.2. Sprout of "Freethinking" as science constantly improves demonstrates that the population is increasingly skeptical about religious beliefs. They are moving towards facts and truth; resulting in the decline of religious faiths.

2.2. Religious rituals and practices can sometimes turn egregious, we need a more scientific approach to life

2.2.1. "Traditional" medicine have proven to be dangerous to health, even poisonous, due to over-reliance on god's dictation and lack of scientific knowledge of the treatments.

2.2.2. The extreme of religions comes in the form of superstitious practices which more often than not, bring more harm than good.

2.3. The fundamental difference between religion and science: Religion is based on AUTHORITY, while Science is based on OBSERVATION and REASON. It is believed that Science will win because observation and reason will work to serve humans better than authority. In fact, our modern world is progressing in the direction of rationality.

2.3.1. Scientific methods of learning (mindmaps and memory curves by Tony Buzan teaches us to maximise our learning ability based on how our brain works), trumping over religious beliefs (submission to god's power to help improve results in life due to the belief that god has the authority to carve our paths of life) Islamic rules dictate women to keep themselves hidden, ban them from driving cars and deprive them of various rights that men enjoy. With the recent revolution, the testament for Reason over Authority, Islamic women actually stood up to protest against these unreasonable dictations to get themselves the right to drive. Although it is only on one aspect of life but it proves how much more REASON can precipitate equality. This is the work of scientific thinking: Logic and Rationality should not be conquered by any forms of unreasonable Authority.

2.4. With the advancement in Science, consumerism has became the new religion.

2.4.1. Science and technology has brought us better material goods such as electronic gadgets like the Apple IPhones & Tablet computers. This has led to an ever-increasing emphasis on one's material standard of living. Instead of seeking spiritual solace, the population thinks that consumerism is the way to go. They have became focused on consuming more and more material goods to enhance their well-being while they increasingly neglect the importance of religions.

3. Introduction

3.1. Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values.

3.2. Science refers to the process (and product) of pursuing knowledge, facts and truths through research, testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

3.3. Advances -> Progresses; improves

3.4. Decline -> Fall in popularity

4. New node