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Cell Structure by Mind Map: Cell Structure

1. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen

2. Macromolecules

2.1. Lipids

2.1.1. Fatty acids

2.2. Carbohydrates

2.2.1. Monosaccharides

2.3. Proteins

2.3.1. Amino Acids

2.4. Nucleic Acids

2.4.1. Nucleotides

3. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen

4. Cell Organelles

4.1. Cell Wall

4.2. Cell Membrane

4.3. Mitochondria

4.4. Smooth ER

4.5. Rough ER

4.6. Golgi Apparatus

4.7. Chloroplasts

4.8. Lysosomes

5. Cell Types

5.1. Prokaryotic

5.1.1. Bacteria

5.1.2. Nucleus

5.2. Eukaryotic

5.2.1. Protist

5.2.2. Fungi

5.3. Animal and Plant Cells

6. Cell Chemistry

6.1. atom

6.1.1. protons

6.1.2. neutrons

6.1.3. electrons

6.2. molecules

6.3. 3 types of bonds